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FIFA: Replay of Tevez goal 'a mistake'

ESPN WRITES: "JOHANNESBURG -- FIFA will censor World Cup match action being shown on giant screens inside the stadium after replays of Argentina's disputed first goal against Mexico fueled arguments on the pitch.

Angry Mexico players protested to referee Roberto Rosetti after the screens in Johannesburg's Soccer City showed Argentina forward Carlos Tevez was offside before he scored the opening goal in a 3-1 victory on Sunday."

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SactoGamer5142d ago

Total bull. FIFA needs to "man-up" and allow mistakes to be known for what they are: mistakes.

-Mezzo-5141d ago

This stuff is really getting out of hand, Fifa should stop being a lazy ass and do something about it.

SelecaoSupporter5141d ago

To his credit, after all the heat they're been taking, Blatter said they'd be foolish to not consider something to remove the goal-line mistakes.

They also admitted that both calls were blown.

polarbear5141d ago

Are they seriously saying their only regret is showing it at the stadium?