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Football fan bet staggering £37,000 on Wayne Rooney to be top scorer in World Cup

A gambler who lost £37,000 betting on Wayne Rooney to be the World Cup's top scorer has said he forgives the striker even though he failed to get a single goal.

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FootballZilla5138d ago

Woow £37,000 is way too much money for a bet like that.

ramicito5138d ago

this is what you get for betting.

I will only bet on Jesus cause he never fails no messi no ronney no dada

karim5138d ago

That's why betting sucks

RedDevils5137d ago

and you know what I just won, $7.000 from betting :P it's all about luck lol and I just used $100 buck lol

karim5137d ago

7000$ ??? You must be kidding me anyways i don't care about betting coz i'm a minor and Betting is forbidden in my religion [Muslim]

-Mezzo-5138d ago

Thats A Bummer. lol, i hope that money isn't all he had.

FootballZilla5137d ago

That is a bummer indeed, hahaha.

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