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Is It Ok To Cheat In Football?

Shortly before halftime in the World Cup elimination match between England and Germany on June 27, the English midfielder Frank Lampard had a shot at goal that struck the crossbar and bounced down onto the ground, clearly over the goal line. The goalkeeper, Manuel Neuer, grabbed the ball and put it back into play. Neither the referee nor the linesman, both of whom were still coming down the field — and thus were poorly positioned to judge — signaled a goal, and play continued.

After the match, Neuer gave this account of his actions: “I tried not to react to the referee and just concentrate on what was happening. I realized it was over the line, and I think the way I carried on so quickly fooled the referee into thinking it was not over.”

To put it bluntly: Neuer cheated, and then boasted about it.

By any normal ethical standards, what Neuer did was wrong. But does the fact that Neuer was playing football mean that the only ethical rule is: “Win at all costs”?

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BjornarO5131d ago

you cant blame a player in this situation. The referee should see it.
I think every goalkeeper in the world would play on.

mob_player5131d ago

I think FIFA should use advanced technology to cancel the wrong decisions of the referee...At least Team or player should have a chance to defend the wrong goal or foul

SelecaoSupporter5131d ago

It shouldn't have been a choice. If it were me, I would have admitted it went in. But, if FIFA has goal-line technology, like any modern league would have, then it's not an issue.

Some people like to trot out the old adage, "If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough."

I like to counter with, "If you're cheating, you're not playing WELL enough."

Hockey115130d ago

The higher ups in football just want to keep human error a part of the game.

kulka5130d ago

introduce technology to the game and the problem would over jou could also ban divers and cheaters