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D-Day On Tuesday

Liverpool's hearing to decide if NESV can finally take over the club, will take place at 10:30 am on Tuesday, at the High Court.

The Royal Bank of Scotland, who are the club's major creditors, have taken the case to court to ascertain a legal decision on whether NESV's proposed takeover of the Reds is legal.

One of the club's current American owners, Tom Hicks, is contesting the legality of the sale because he says board members Christian Purslow and Ian Ayre were sacked before they and chairman Martin Broughton agreed to the sale of the club to NESV (New England Sports Ventures).

Broughton, Purslow and Ayre agreed to the sale despite owners George Gillett and Hicks voting against it, and the Premier League subsequently approved the new owners. But the dispute over the status of the board had thrown the takeover into some doubt.

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sokrates5036d ago

Today is the day! I hope they are sold at the end of the day!