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Steve Bruce: 'worst defeat of my career'

“Probably with the occasion, it is my worst defeat as a manager. Probably in my career, I would have thought," Bruce said.

"It’s still trying to sink in what we have just witnessed. But you know when you go into management that there are times when it is going to be difficult. I don’t think anyone could see it coming.

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sokrates5016d ago

Loosing a derby is no good. 1-5 is a nightmare.

FootballZilla5016d ago

Yup, i though they would of battled it a bit more

GJ235016d ago

Bramble's red card didn't help much. 3-0 down already and down to 10 men they're lucky it wasn't more

karim5016d ago

I guess he forgot the chelsea trashinh => 7-2 :D

MaximusPrime5016d ago

lol i just watched that on youtube after reading an article about 10 videos of memorable thrashing.

This is youtube link >>

GJ235016d ago

Good video lol. They really have big defensive problems

MaximusPrime5016d ago

my brother (an Arsenal fan) went with my friend (a Chelsea fan) to see this epic match. I didnt made it that day, i was gutted.

At least he really enjoyed the atmosphere.

danarc5016d ago

I disagree Bruce, that was the best match I've ever been to ;)

danarc5016d ago

Yeah :)

Season ticket for 6 years now ;)

karim5016d ago

Can you tell me how you felt when amenobi scored that winner against chelsea ? :P (because if felt like I was getting *****)

danarc5016d ago

Was actually amazing haha

Chelsea had a decent team out, and had levelled it to 3-3

So to see Ameobi of all people head that last minute was amazing I was buzzing haha :P

kulka5016d ago

haha great game that was when is Chelsea playing Newcastle again

karim5016d ago

In The League.Can't Wait To Rape Them :P

GJ235016d ago

Next game is the 28th of november in the league. Hope it's as entertaining as the last game

kulka5016d ago

is that not the same day as the El Classico between Barca and Real

kulka5016d ago

imagine them beating you again

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