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Video: Pep Guardiola Fighting Copenhagen Coach Ståle Solbakken

Here is a video of the fighting that took place between Pep Guardiola and Ståle Solbakken. This is probably about the clash from Victor Valdes on Dame N'Doye.

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GJ235015d ago

Is it just me or does he look like Howard Webb's twin brother?

The Hunter5015d ago

Lol you right! But he is from Denmark :P

ON: This was expected, I hope Guardiola or Barcelona will ban Victor Valdes.. It was a freeky foul :S

kulka5015d ago

Yup he will get banned by UEFA they will look back on it terrible tackle

The Hunter5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

The clubs should ban a player after a outrageous tackle! This was not like a normal tackle, as I said in the story with the video of the foul, I thought he was dead! And he could be killed with this stupid tackle!

I dont like Barca and Pep anymore! I'm just lip reading Pep and I think he said: "Go to UEFA, Go to UEFA!".. This is ridiculous!

I thougt RESPECT is a big TOPIC in world's football! (ad's, speeches, badges.. argggg...)

GJ235015d ago

He definately deserves a ban. I'm not even sure that valdes was going for the ball. Absolutely disgraceful challenge

RedDevils5014d ago

I hate Barca ever since the chelsea match, the only player probably respect is Xavi or Messi, but even Xavi talk shit, so no more respect from him either

Leio5014d ago

After what FCK went through I think he got enough of UNICEF fair play bullshit :/

sokrates5014d ago

I think FCK was full of barcas dirty tricks without consequences. Barca has to start working on their Image again. Fair play is not what they are doing at the moment!

RedDevils5014d ago

I never knew their a "Fair play" next to the word Barca ever since the Chelsea match

megacardo5014d ago

It is true that it was a bad tackle! What I think is at once Barcelona do something that all other teams are doing so they will be penalized ten times harder than other teams.
How many tackles as this one does not see in the English Lega. But the fact that it is not a fair play team is just and laugh out loud. it's not a team in worlds that have free advertising on the shirt but it has barcelona, is not a team in the world who play football and entertain as they do.

and stop complaining! English teams never manages to play good football as they do

Barcelona is the world's best football team, just face it.

karim5014d ago

"English teams never manages to play good football as they do" LOL do you watch the PL...have you ever heard of chelsea who scored 104 goals last year...Arsenal who play the most entertaining football or tottenham who are a pleasure to watch + MAN united and newcastle

GJ235014d ago

That's not a very accurate statement. Arsenal, Man u and Chelsea can easily play better football than barcelona. The premier league is a much more entertaining league than the la ligs.

kulka5014d ago

I dont agree Barca plays the best football but it is not as effective as all the teams defend against them remember Chelsea putting 9 men behind the ball

Leio5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

Hmm ten times harder ? Did they even get penalized ?

Being a much bigger team but have to use this kind of dirty tricks on a team with the size of 1/5 Messi's salary TWICE is unacceptable. They get away too easy. Calling this kind of football fair play is laugh out loud.

Yeah some teams in PL play dirty football but it doesnt make Barcelona any less dirty. Just face it :/

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