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English Debate: Why November Will Be A Huge Month For Liverpool's Spanish Star Fernando Torres

Fernando Torres

Although it still feels like the season has just kicked off, November has already managed to creep up unnoticed which means the crucial Christmas period is almost upon us.

It's around the festive term that campaigns are often won and lost, with Manchester United's ability to make it to January unscathed regularly lauded as one of the reasons they have won so many Premier League titles in recent years.

For Liverpool the title has already come and gone this season, and the much more pressing target of survival in England's top flight has quickly taken precedent. This for a team that has one of the most celebrated records in English football and is made up of a plethora of international stars and it's one of them that needs to step it up this month.

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Maradona5014d ago

They must beat Chelsea on Sunday, too see how really things are going. And a goal or two from Torres will help:)

MaximusPrime5014d ago

Chelsea to win 3 or more goals.

kulka5014d ago

2-1 to Liverpool Kyrgiakos and Toress scoring:P