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Goal: Premier League Player Ratings: Liverpool 2-0 Chelsea's Wayne Versey Rates The Players Of Today's Match Between Liverpool And Chelsea

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karim5010d ago

The best performance by torres...and I really think that if essien wasn't injured the game would have changed completely

RedDevils5010d ago

you use an old excuse again when your team loose, the whole chelsea play below average that why Liverpool Dominated them, Just accepted it, But essien, but lampard xd

karim5009d ago

I remember some man united fans when chelsea beat them 2-1 who said we lost because Rooney wasn't playing...

kulka5010d ago

not really Chelsea struggled to break Liverpool down Essien is more of a defensive prospect

karim5010d ago

Essien is a mixed product.He can attack score goals give assists...Ramires is still new so if was here he would have made an Impact

Maradona5010d ago

Essien would not made any difference today. They could beat anyone now.

kulka5009d ago

Yup great perfromance by the whole team even if essien played liverpoool would win

karim5009d ago

No one knows...would you say that liverpool would have beat us if torres was injured ?