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Highlights: Wigan Athletic 2-2 Arsenal English Premier League - 29.12.2010

1-0 Watson (pen)18'
1-1 Arshavin 39'
1-2 Bendtner 44'
2-2 Squillaci (og)81'

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no_more_heroes4958d ago

Wigan's penalty shouldn't have been given. Koscielny doesn't even touch him. Plus, on Arsenal's free kick preceding Chamakh's header, there was a clear handball from the Wigan defender in a wall that wasn't even 10 yards away.

zico4958d ago

Agree, but that is football.

sokrates4958d ago

I dont care! This is good news for United! Arsenal always misses when they get the pressure.

MasterGuru4957d ago

Kinda true but let's blame it on their "immaturity" shall we? How long has that been the main excuse for Arsenal?

ohahCantona4958d ago

I­ cant wait to hear Wengers excuses about the­ referee and so on...why they lost two points: 8 changes from the Chelsea match...Why? I liked it a lot:-)

MasterGuru4957d ago

Wenger is the main reason why Arsenal is on course for a sixth straight year without trophies. Wonder why the owners haven't shown him the boot yet. The only thing he's good at is poaching 16 year old's.

zico4958d ago

8 changes´..but still they should beat Wigan, playing with 10 men....

MasterGuru4957d ago

Arsenal's youngsters are not good enough! They're overhyped. The only youngsters Arsenal possess which are "good" are the ones they took from other clubs for free.

Mozilla894957d ago

I'd have to agree with zico. I think that Arsenal have one of the deepest teams and after playing their second game in 2 days I'd probably make some changes too.

sokrates4957d ago

They shouild win anyway. I think its the pressure that takes Arsenal down. A very talented young squad. They need some expercience to keep their heads cold.

karim4957d ago

8 Changes....They definitely under-estimated Wigan playing Walcott in the last 10 mins says it all

MasterGuru4957d ago

Walcott? Who is he? Maybe next time Arsenal plays, I'd pay more attention.

karim4957d ago

Are you Balotelli in disguise ?

MasterGuru4957d ago

I could be... I need a 20 hour tan, a bad hair day, and a bad attitude... The next Balotelli is here! Beware! You have been warned...