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Goalkeeper sent-off after 10 seconds

A lot of preparation goes into a football match - you train all week, you do all the pre-match stretches, and you psyche yourself up. Therefore, it is not exactly ideal to get yourself sent-off after just 10 seconds of the game itself.

However, that is exactly what happened to Ebbsfleet United goalkeeper Preston Edwards last weekend in a Conference South clash against Farnborough.

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armorki4914d ago

it shuld have been a yellow card and penalty instead
Bad decision

KazumaKiryu4914d ago

To the letter of the law, it's probably the correct decision. However, any sensible referee would have just given a yellow. Bringing out a red card that early in to the game basically spoils the whole game for the team and their fans.

karim4913d ago

Stupid decision and his team-mate is horrible.

lyvon4913d ago

Poor decision. Yellow card + pen would have been enough. In fact that early just a pen would suffice.