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no_more_heroes4913d ago (Edited 4913d ago )

The right team won. Rooney's goal made my eyeballs burst.

as in, the team that played better won. City played well, but Man Utd were better.

Yi-Long4913d ago

... but I'm pretty damn sure Rooney has already laid claim to the goal of the season.

Perfect overhread kick. In the last few minutes. In a big derby.

Brilliant brilliant goal.

no_more_heroes4913d ago

so far it is, but it'll take some effort to outdo.

rafay4913d ago

City played their best game of the season! But what a goal!!!!

no_more_heroes4913d ago (Edited 4913d ago )

finally they tried showing some attacking ambition in a big match.

rafay4913d ago

If they had played like this in the Arsenal game, they would have been thrashed!

kudakadere4913d ago

I hope this reflects to his International too

crazyturkey4913d ago (Edited 4913d ago )

Now, that's how he earns his money. Would be better for Manchester United if he did it more often again.

no_more_heroes4913d ago (Edited 4913d ago )

hopefully not too often...

RufustheKing4913d ago


you can buy all the players you want city and Chelsea, but you can't buy goals like that.

Mozilla894913d ago

I think Wayne Rooney's bank account and agent disagree.

karim4912d ago

You do realize that Rooney was BOUGHT for 30M ?

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