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Highlights: Chelsea 2-1 Tottenham Hotspur (English Premier League 30.04.11)

19' Sandro
45' F. Lampard
89' S. Kalou

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freeduck4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

Good win for Chelsea. Controversial goal but Gomes should've kept it out anywho. Now let's hope that Arsenal won't choke and beat ManU tomorrow.

zootang4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

TWO controversial goals. One not over the line the other one offside. Poor Tottenham they deserved better.

In Sir Alex I Trust, United We Stand!

zico4836d ago

Lampards goal - was it over the line? I don`t think so....

ohahCantona4836d ago

NO it wasn`t. Lucky Chelsea!

ultramoot4836d ago

Are you serious? That was about 70% over the line. According to the rule, that qualifies as a goal.

The "controversial" part was that the linesman who gave the goal wasn't in the correct line to see it properly. That's why the pundits thought that he should've given the benefit of the doubt to Gomez. But the inside camera from the goal clearly shows that it was a goal.

ohahCantona4836d ago

100% of the ball must be over the line. You see in the replay that this ball isn`t over the line, not even 70%.

ad4mb4836d ago

go read the rule books before you spout crap. its only a goal if the whole of the ball is over the line.

ohahCantona4836d ago

BTW last goal; Clearly OFFSIDE!

Anderson84836d ago

lol learn the rules of football before you comment

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mastiffchild4836d ago

Both Lamps and Chels have been on the wrong end of these kinds of decisions for years without any of this BS afterwards. Lamps at the WC and TWICE in one EPL season denied goals clearly over the line. As for JUST Chelsea Helguson scored a "goal" against them, for Watford that didn't get within a foot of the goal line FFS. I could go on for ages, but won't, and leave you with the laughable Luis Gacia "goal" which put Chelsea out of a CL semi in a season we'd have hammered AC in the final(Crespo was their form striker at the time, owned by us and unlikely to play any part should Chelsea have gone through)-so don't tickle me with tales of Chelsea's "luckiness".

Had Fergie suffered the refereeing nightmare that Hiddink's Chelsea had the night in 2009(after Platini AND Gaillard both went on record "hoping" Chelsea lose to Barca and after appointing a ref nobody ever considered for such a match before or since, a ref that could flit easily back to nowhere after doing the dirty for Uefa and their anti Roman brigade)where the "unthinkable" happened and the West Londoners not only shut down Messi( Ashley cole always bosses him), Iniesta and co in their pomp only for the two goal, over deserved cushion never to appear almost entirely down to noxious decisions. SEVEN reasonable penalty claims turned down, five of which were unarguably incorrect and four so cynical that red cards would have been assured too. Hell, even after Iniesta's injury time fluke winner(on away goals) Chelsea managed to have two stonewall handball pens turned down!! Hiddink's calmness and honour in the face of a total lack of class from a Barca club(and Pep, sadly, was about the worst)who should have had the honesty to not milk an already dodgy situation will always inspire me. Gus is one of football's truest gents and had Fergie been less full of himself and taken a few pointers from the way Chelsea dominated Barca that year Utd would have won back to back CL trophies.

I might sound like I'm ranting but, seriously, did Spurs deserve to win today? Not for my money. Did Kalou actually gain any advantage fro,m going briefly into an offside position? No, and tellingly Gallas didn't even look for the flag-had Sally STAYED offside the ball wouldn't have reached him FFS!?!!As for the Lamps goal-it was VERY close to being something we would all agree was over the line-an inch or so-aso, sure, both goals were, by the letter of the laws a bit flukey but in the spirit of the game they were deserved:one for Gomez idiocy and the other(Kalou's) because no advantage was sought ansd none taken by going offside. That he went offside was more incidental than crucial.

As an aside if the ref didn't see anything to report from Evra's certain pen and red card challenge in the CL first leg at the Bridge couldn't and shouldn't Uefa have had a look and banned him? I thought it was only in incidents where the referee had given a card etc that nought could be done afterwards? Then again, between the EPL, Primera and UEFA all messing with different wordings in this issue it's hard for an idiot like me to keep up anyway.

Even as a Blue I sympathise with Spurs tonight but the goals, neither of them, were outrageous and were just poor decisions that ended up giving a game a pretty much deserved scoreline on balance of play and I'd also say Spurs were never so outplayed this season as they were in sneaking their draw at home to Chelsea this season after a second half where chelsea were the best I'v ever seen them.

Last word-Harry R was brilliantly magnanimous in defeat where lesser men would have cried all night. Hiddink would be proud, no doubt, but don't EVER make out Chelsea get all the luck. It's not true.

Mozilla894836d ago

Lampard gets a break after the disallowed goal from the WC?

Sahil4836d ago

Yeah.. looks like, he must be relieved after 11 months!

ad4mb4836d ago

lol, 2 goals that shouldn't have been. wonder if we will see this ref in a photoshoped Chelsea shirt hey...? lol

Sahil4836d ago

Really.. you're not making any sense

Both the goal decisions were in the hands of the linesman not Andre Mariner.

MaximusPrime4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

wow what a tense game.

i agree that the ball didnt actually gone over the line but from lineman's perspective, he thinks it is over the line. good job.

the second goal was an obvious offside but all happened in a split second and in a mess, lineman failed to see the offside. good job.

now all eyes on Man U and Arsenal match. Please beat Man U

ohahCantona4836d ago

my last bobble on this: The lineman shouldn`t "think the ball is over the line", he should be 100% sure! I can`t understand this is happen, it`s professional football, they deserved professional refs.

AND my eyes are on ManU-Arsenal tomorrow, and we are not collapsing like Barca and Real did today. 2-0 (Rooney both;-))

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