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Why Chelsea Will Defeat Manchester United Regardless of Who Wins the League

As soon as referee Olegário Benquerença blew the final whistle at Old Trafford on April 12, every football "pundit" worth his salt labeled Chelsea as a team past its sell-by-date.

The Torres debacle was blown out of proportion. The age of the squad was called into question for what was probably the 100th time. Ancelotti was supposedly packing his bags.

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nieuwland144835d ago

I hope so badly that they win, and that arsenal win today!

zootang4834d ago

When it matters United wins.

In Sir Alex I Trust, United We Stand!

zinedine4835d ago

Chelsea have returned to their best form.

Sahil4835d ago

If chelsea pulls off this one game, then the season is theirs to win!