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Sneijder - I'm for sale

Dutchman says Inter will sell him if price is right. In-demand midfielder Wesley Sneijder claims Inter Milan will sell him for the right price, but denies speaking with Manchester United or Manchester City.

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sokrates4711d ago

He ends up i United! In my opinion he is More than welcome

buddymagoo4711d ago

Will he stop Anderson and Cleverleys progression though?

Will he slow the now young (23) midfield down being 27?
All for 85m over 5 years???
Is he really needed???


Yes he is, there's no doubt Anderson and Cleverley have the potential to become top class players but until that time comes, our midfield is still average. Even last season with Scholes, our midfield was lacking.
Sneijder is an experienced player who has played at the highest level for both club and country, I know some people would rather want Nasri or Modric because of their age and price but I can't see them improving our midfield dramatically.
We're replacing Scholes here so it has to be someone world class and Sneijder fits the bill and he always turns up at the big games and that's what we have to be ready for. Man City aren't our target this year, Barca and Real are.

guigsy4711d ago

Even if our midfield area was full of quality, we are still lacking depth. Fletcher, Carrick, Anderson and Cleverley are our only recognised first team central midfielders (Gibson is on his way out), and only two of them are experienced. The way Fergie tends to rotate his team means everyone will get enough games. I think I heard a stat that he's only picked the same team in consecutive games once in the last 3 seasons.

Sahil4711d ago

Woah.. it is true indeed, he could go to chelsea.

FootballZilla4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

I would ROFL he ended up at chelsea LOL.

but i think he will go to united and wait for Mourinho to join him as he said he will play with mourinho in the future