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Cesc Fabregas Takes Part In First Barcelona Training Session

Forgive the overkill but clearly there is a market for those who want to see the former Gunner in action. Expect the next Cesc related story to be titled “Cesc Fabregas enjoys first Espresso as Barcelona Player”, in which the Spaniard will unfortunately find himself being served by Catalonia’s one and only Arsenal fan who will have added a little something ‘special’ to his beverage.

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nieuwland144728d ago

Arsenal will crumble if Nasri and RVP leave aswell!

KingsCross4728d ago

I hope they stay. We are the team this season anyway. More fun to beat Arsenal whitout them excuse that all the best players left them at season start.

sokrates4728d ago

I guess Fabregas will continue in the middle of the circle running for the ball. Its obvious that he is not good enough for Barca!