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nieuwland144716d ago

Jeez, i wish i had done dzeko in my fantasy team!!!

Yi-Long4716d ago

... but just transferred him for Dzeko. :)

Although, with my luck, he'll be permanently injured within the next 2 weeks ofcourse... ;)

nieuwland144716d ago

Yeah i had aguero in my team too just transferred him for dzeko!

zico4716d ago

I do have him on my team;-) together with Suarez....

b163o14716d ago

The squad looked gr8 today. City keeps rolling....

rafay4716d ago

I hope they do a Chelsea. I can't take them winning the league!

sokrates4716d ago

Shit! City are serious about this season. United is running over arsenal at the moment. Manchester is the man center for British top football at the moment!

freeduck4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

Tottenham and Arsenal are going to be battling for 5th. Unless Arsenal spends these next few days buying good players, they are not going to make top 6. Shameful performance today

Are people still doubting that Liverpool can't make top 3 this season?


Well I see the top 3 consisting of either Man Utd, City, Chelsea and Liverpool.
One of those teams is gonna miss out.

rafay4716d ago

Liverpool are playing much better then City right now. And they have more belief. I think they can easily finish ahead of Chelsea.

Sahil4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

We're(LFC) not going to get top4 jus coz arsenal/spurs are r havin a shitty season but coz we are playin way better than last year and deserve to be there!!

rafay4716d ago

Tottenham and Arsenal would be lucky to finish in the top half of the table the way they are playing! Even a team like Stoke can beat them at the moment.

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