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Highlights: Manchester United 8-2 Arsenal (English Premier League - 28/8/11)

22' (1-0)Danny Welbeck
28' (2-0)Ashley Young
41' (3-0)Wayne Rooney
42' (3-1)Theo Walcott
64' (4-1)Wayne Rooney
67' (5-1)Nani
74' (6-2)Robin van Persie
82' (7-2)Wayne Rooney
90' (8-2)Ashley Young

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cozmo1954716d ago

That was just painful to watch
I feel sorry for arsenal

KingPin4716d ago

yeah, i agree. feel really sorry for them.

they were totally under strengthened. no disrespect to man utd though, they played a great game. they really played like champions.

man utd fans should be humble in this victory.

take notes from Sir Alex Ferguson.

Nes_Daze4716d ago

Actually I thought Messi gave beautiful passes to Aguero and Higuain in the copa america. And sure he was pretty much unseen in the last world cup but I don't recall anybody else making much of a performance...I think Diego Forlan pretty much was the best player of the world cup, but he could only do so much for Uruguay. Argentina's players are just not understanding themselves, and Messi can only do so much. I agree though with not overlooking other players..but I'd rather have his name engraved on a trophy before C. Ronaldo'

Yi-Long4716d ago

... if you are an Arsenal fan. Or even an unbiased football fan.

That's going to be one long and awkward trip back to London for them.

I really wonder what the next few days will bring and the reaction from Arsenal to this situation, cause it's quite clear that they don't have the squad to compete with the best when a couple are out injured/banned.

buddymagoo4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

I'd really 8-2 be an Arsenal Fan right now..

Rooney for Ballon D'or!!

sokrates4716d ago

Good one:) h8-2 to be that too.

KingPin4716d ago

unfortunately any trophies that awards any sort of individual player already has Messi's name engraved on it before the season starts. just to save time.

messi is good, but they shouldn't over look other players. its the barca team as a whole that makes messi great. if he was great on his own, Argentina would've won a world cup by now. think one player can't carry a team to world cup glory? go see maradona's 1986 world cup.

Baka-akaB4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

Such argument always make me laugh . If argentina was doing great we'd still be hearing that it isnt thnks to messi , but thanks to the teamwork ... wich would be true in any case , so why sprout that argument ?

How often are legendary players all alone in a sh*tty team without any kind of support and good teamwork ? almost never , so bury that flawed argument already guys .

Sahil4715d ago

"Yeah but Liverpool cream their pants when they beat Bolton 3-1, lol."


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4715d ago

28/08/2011 - The day Manchester raped London...badly.

DiLeCtioN4716d ago

I live in London but support man united :/


You have no right to support Manchester United. Simple as that


@MIDNIGHTMASK85...Im from Nigeria but i support man united. Whats ur point?...Football is a global sport nd most of the fans come from outside manchster.

Shadow Flare4716d ago

Most people who support man utd do so because they win the most. That's all there is to it. Come the day man city rules the roost and man city will have it's legion of glory hunter followers. No ties to Manchester whatsoever, just fake plastic fans who hunt for glory. Most people I know who support man utd have no ties with Manchester whatsoever. But they wouldnt support everton or west ham or someone, they follow man utd cos they win. It's a safe and a popular choice. And it's pathetic

Infernostew4716d ago


Most people support United because of their wide appeal or the name itself. When I young and playing soccer in grade school the only club I could ever watch on TV or ever heard of was Manchester United. So naturally when I started watching the prem I would root for United since it was the only club I had ever watched.

Yes there are glory hunters for the big clubs, not just United but a lot of people don't have the luxury of supporting a local club or taking the time to choose which club they like by their play style and players and whatnot. I live in the USA but I've been to Old Trafford, seen United away in the prem, been to matches in their preseason tour of the US and my uncle and cousins are from Manchester but not everyone has those chances to see United like I have. You can't blame people for supporting United because of players or the trophies because the same thing can be said for Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, Inter, AC Milan, Madrid, Barca... the list goes on and on.

I hate when people say you should support a club like Everton or West but scold people for supporting United when they have no ties to those mid or bottom table clubs. So if you support Birmingham randomly then it's alright? Every club that has any sort of success will always have fans that aren't loyal to the club but to generalize a whole group of supporters is pathetic.

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RedDevils4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

Manchesters 13 - 3 London

freeduck4716d ago

Arsenal defense really poor like it was last season and now all the teams are going to exploit it.
Wenger has less than a week to fix up Arsenal's problems but I doubt he will do much far too many problems exist for him to handle

rafay4716d ago

Arsenal's defence wasn't the problem. Arsenal were the problem. All over the pitch they were horrible!

And I wonder what the two billionaire owners of Arsenal are doing right about now?

RufustheKing4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

Manchester are the city to watch for never mind the team.
Manchester 13 London 3

what city can do, Man u can do better. :)
and Man u should have got alot more.

rafay4716d ago

Yeah. Sadly the one Arsenal player who decided to play was the keeper. If it wasn't for him it would have been two or three more!

RedDevils4716d ago

we should on double digit if wasn't for their keeper or else Cleverley could have one today

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