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Highlights: Blackburn 4-3 Arsenal (English Premier League - 17/09/11)

0-1 Gervinho 10'
1-1 A. Yakubu 25'
1-2 M. Arteta 34'
2-2 A. Song 50'(og)
3-2 A. Yakubu 59'
4-2 L. Koscielny 68'
4-3 M. Chamakh 85'

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buddymagoo4696d ago

Gutted! I switched off at half time to play some Little Big Planet. I thought Arsenal would have won being up 2-1 at half time.

It just keeps getting worse for the gunners.

Computersaysno4696d ago

Fantastic game, the second half was electric (as long as you aren't an arsenal fan)

Premier league doubters eat more humble pie...

Nightfallen4696d ago

Heh, 2 own goals in a game doesn't happen that often =/

buddymagoo4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

Who do Arsenal fans want as their next manager???

Carlo Ancelotti
Mark Hughes
Guus Hiddink
Martin O'Neill
Rafael Benitez

They would be my guesses. Wenger has 4 points out of 15 this season, shocking!

zeddy4696d ago

benitez would be good, dont know if they would give him the time, o'niell and hughes would make them defend better but they would make the team boring to watch too.

Anderson84696d ago

oniel would be a nice replacement.. but wenger would never get sacked

badz1494696d ago

Seriously? He would bring Arsenal down faster than a landslide like he did Liverpool and Inter. He's overrated anyway!

arjman4696d ago

Mourinho when he gets bored

freeduck4696d ago

None of those managers will go to Arsenal, maybe Hughes or Ancelotti but those two want a break from football.

Tommykrem4695d ago

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer!
Probably not gonna happen in a million years though

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kulka4696d ago

great game to watch lots of goals but Arsenal's defence is just not good enough you can't concede so many goals

KonohagakureFC4696d ago

Oh that was disgusting... Koscielny and Djourou are rubbish and Santos and Mertesacker weren't good either

I hope Wenger's proud of himself

RedDevils4696d ago

Mertesacker didn't do jack, Ramsey is play out of Position, Santos played blackburn onside, Koscienly is having a nightmare, so = Blackburn scored 2 and Arsenal scored 5 great match for the neutral, but a poor game for Arsenal

freeduck4696d ago

So the new signings Per and Santos didn't live up to expectations?

Anderson84696d ago

mertesacker was never good enough for arsenal i dont know why wenger bought hims hes poor technically and has no pace.. yeas hes tall but he had an easy header on goal in the last min and was wayy of target.. so what does he bring to the team.

inability to land samba and cahill will cost them dearly this season

freeduck4696d ago

Yup good thing Kenny didn't go for Mertesacker this summer and went for Coates!

ngecenk4695d ago

on contrary im kinda impressed with per last nite. yes its not his top performance but good enough. its just the other defenders dont do their task very well.

Anderson84695d ago


you could get away with him if he was partnered with vermaelen or a cahill/samba type but when back line all depends on him i dont think hes good enough

guigsy4695d ago

To be fair it was Mertesacker's third game for Arsenal and Santos's first, you can't judge players squarely on such a short amount of time. They both looked way off the pace, but at least give them a chance to settle in. It's not like they had a pre-season to get to know their new colleagues.

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XboxInnovation4696d ago

Does anyone take Arsenal seriously anymore?

RufustheKing4696d ago

looks like arsenal are going to be a mid table team. :( oh well com'on United :)

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