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Highlights: Tottenham 4-0 Liverpool (English Premier League - 18/9/11)

1-0 Modric 7'
2-0 Defoe 66'
3-0 Adebayor 68'
4-0 Adebayor 92'

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nieuwland144695d ago

Modric was brilliant this match, shame chelsea couldnt get him.

badz1494695d ago

it's just that Liverpool played like little kids! what were they thinking?

MaximusPrime4695d ago

LOL @ Liverpool. Sorry fans you think they will be better than last year. Well... 2 red cards and 4-0 down? LMAO

nice trick by Adebayor. Must be a goal of this month.

sokrates4695d ago

What a blow! At least Liverpool waste as much money as Chelsea and City... None of them is taking the league either, just a huge waste:)

Good luck to Liverpool in next match. You have something City and Chelsea hasnt: Guts and Glory!

Corepred44695d ago

"Good luck to Liverpool in next match. You have something City and Chelsea hasnt: Guts and Glory! "

What the...? lmao are you trying to spin this?! lmao

kulka4695d ago

The ref was a f*ckin joke

freeduck4695d ago

Yes the ref was pretty bad but you have to admit Tottenham played a class above Liverpool. Kenny got the squad, formation wrong. Skrtel against Bale was a huge mistake. It's hard putting up with Bale with our RB's injured but I still would've put Flanagan instead (remember how well he played against City?)

Kuyt, Bellamy, Spearing should've started because they would've really pressured their midfield.

Whatever, on with the next game.

RufustheKing4695d ago

give it a rest if that happen to united or everton you would be saying they deserved it. the ref didn't score 4 goals. adams 2nd yellow was bad but so was the whole of the liverpool team. it just wasn't liverpools day.

Sahil4695d ago (Edited 4695d ago )

that ref doesn't even belong in the npower league 2


Anderson84695d ago

it doesnt matter if there was intent or not a foul is a foul and it deserved a yellow.. the first was debatable and the ref should have been lenient as it was so early on and not dirty but even so liverpool were poor the ref didnt cost you this game

zico4695d ago

don`t blame the ref today. Okay he wasn`t good, but it was`n`t his fail.

Sahil4695d ago (Edited 4695d ago )

1. Adam's first - typical challenge in the middle of the park early on in the game, nothing malicoius, no need to book him for that at all.
2. Adam's second - eyes on the ball, no intent. A foul, but not a yellow.
3. Coates - won the ball.

But we all agree that ref or not, we were playing rubbish today(DEFENSE) and deserve to be more than 4 goals down

zeddy4695d ago

the ref was fine, lfc were rubbish today. carroll and suarez cant play together.

guigsy4695d ago

Looks like Dalglishs desperate ref jibes are already rubbing off on his fans. Liverpool lost 4-0 because of the teams poor performance, not the refs.

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