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Highlights: Liverpool 1-1 Manchester United (English Premier League - 15/10/11)

1-0 S. Gerrard 68'
1-1 J. Hernandez 81'

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kulka4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

United continued their lucky streak Liverpool should have won this by at least 2

ProjectVulcan4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

Lucky? Man Utd rested half their first team side and still walked away from Anfield with a point. No Vidic, Nani, Anderson, Hernandez or Rooney in the starting lineup. It was semi mocking liverpool almost, considering Ferguson had claimed this was the biggest club game in the world. No doubt resting for the away european and home city games in the next week.

Man Utd were undoubtably poor, but it was all up to Liverpool to beat this weakened team at home and.....they couldn't. It took a soft free kick and lucky deflection off a simple wall mistake to get a goal for Liverpool. Even Gerrard said his hit was lucky. Says as much about Liverpool as it does about Man Utd's performance.

NewMonday4668d ago

Nani took the corner and Hernadez scored, they can't do that from the bench obviously , and Frgi changed the formation is to a defensive one, not to " rest" players, but for fear of a loss like the last 3 times they came to Anfield

ProjectVulcan4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

Sorry newmonday you must have missed the bit where i said they didn't start and yes, some were subbed on at 70 minutes and Hernandez for the last 15.

This constitutes a rest any which way you look at it if they were fit enough to come on and play a short while as impact subs. Man Utd could have easily started with all these players it seems and had them play most of the match i.e a half and more instead of the 15-20 they did.

Liverpool played a willfully weakened United side. Nothing more complicated about that.

RedDevils4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

@newmonday are you dumb or are you too naive to know why SAF put that line up? Firstly he want to get at least draw/clean sheet in 1st half, and once thing settle he throw his 3 goals threat in Nani, Rooney and Chicharito, at the same time he also rest them to play for the Cl match in 3 days time, as well as ready for City Clash the week after. Fear? lol

NewMonday4668d ago

Untd changed the whole shape of the team to a defensive one, everyone knows that, if it was only to "rest" players he would have changed an attacker for another. in the end it was as disappointing for Liverpool as dropping points to Sunderland no more.

SephirothX214668d ago

And who cares? Man United win almost every year. What interest is there any more?

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guigsy4668d ago

Liverpool were wasteful, it had nothing to do with United being lucky.

Kos-Mos4668d ago

Tell me, what is luck?


What a disgraceful dive by Adams, De Gea was briliant today.

Infernostew4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

Suarez needs to learn to stay on his feet as well. I heard Barca are scouting both him and Adam to see how perfectly they'd fit in the squad.

Hah. All that aside, Liverpool was the better team and did well to control play. I'm disappointed with Fergie's starting squad choices. I'm not happy with a draw but I'll take it. Cheers to De Gea who had an incredible match and was easily my MotM. Next week is the real test though.

@below: I could say the same for Ronaldo and Nani but come on. Ok buddy, twisting and diving through the defense.. got it "highly skilled".. dually noted.

Sahil4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

Dude.. suarez was on his feet all the time.. he's a HIGHLY SKILLFUL player.

HIGHLY SKILLFUL = These kinda players do a lot of turning n twisting.. that would tear the defense apart.

kane_lfc4668d ago

What are you on about? Rios just admitted there was contact and he was lucky to of had stayed on...


No way can a feint touch bring a fat c*nt like Adams down like that, it was dive and you know it, you're just lucky I cant find a video of it yet.

NewMonday4668d ago

It was illegal contact, doesn't mater what Adam did after the fact.


Illegal contact? ... the f*ck is that?!

Its not like he pulled out a knife, infact he barely touched him. You lot really need to see it again.

Having said that, Liverpool played well against our make shift side and a draw was a fair result.

RedDevils4668d ago

The most disgrace is Downning what reason for him to dived in the middle of the park?

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Sahil4668d ago

Played well, and realistically it's a decent point to pick up - but it's hard to be 'happy' about the result considering the way it came about.

Up against a keeper who made some ridiculous saves, or we'd have won comfortably.

KonohagakureFC4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

Once again Man U get away with things any other team would never have gotten away with...

Charlie Adam, dive or foul either way the kick was given and Ferdinand shouldve been off

And then there was the Evans handball...

Liverpool wasted their chances though

Infernostew4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

So United gets away with the ref not sending Rio off for what was a dive or as some would say "soft foul" and an unintentional handball that never gets called anymore no matter what team is playing? You're grasping for straws on trying to say United get extra treatment.

@pool fans: do you guys not know the difference between hand to ball and ball to hand. Give it up. Ball to hand almost never gets called. I didn't feel like having to explain it as that so i just called it unintentional. Ball to hand will almost never be called, especially when it hits the players hand when its down at their sides.

Sahil4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

"Unintentional handball"

hahahaha.. this is football, the hand was out.

the mancs were lucky today.

kulka4668d ago

unintentional? this was a certain penalty United got away with it. Liverpool was the better team but missed great chances and should have had all three points


Evans one was ball to hand so yes that is unintentional, I'm guessing you lot missed the Enrique handall when it came of his shoulder than touched his hand.

Prophet1124668d ago

And what about Enriques handball, it hit him on the arm and the hand and was more a penalty than Evans handball yet nobody mentions it. Also how did Suarez escape a yellow card for kicking Evra in the knee?

guigsy4668d ago

I suppose you forgot about Enrique double handball then...

RedDevils4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

Hanball did you not see the same thing with Enriques?

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topgeareasy4668d ago

diverpool played well lol

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