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Pele: Lionel Messi is an incomplete player

Brazil and Santos legend Pele celebrated his 71st birthday in London in typical outspoken style this week, hailing the Premier League as Europe's top division and branding Lionel Messi an "incomplete" player.

The three-time World Cup winner, who is in the UK for the global launch of his new sports lifestyle collection The Beautiful Revolution, told "I would love to play with Lionel Messi. But Messi is an incomplete player because he can't use his head. Also I played football for 20 years, Messi has only played for several years."

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neoragex4655d ago

Come on Pele, we know you were great but as far as being a complete player is concerned, it is only messi that comes to mind.

Anderson84654d ago

he has a slight point messi is the best player on the planet at the mo but c.ronaldo is a more complete player in the sense of left foot right foot heading etc..

krazykombatant4655d ago

I know that, messi is a great player and that some of the people on here will take this as a personal offense to their god messi. But it is pele's sport so he can pretty much say whatever he feels like, be it wrong or not. He certainly is an incomplete player come at the international level.

oli4654d ago

its not pele's sport, and pele cant talk, football has evolved tremedously since pele's time. but you do have a point about messi being an incomplete player at international level, in fact its the only thing he's got missing

krazykombatant4654d ago

LOOL, once again the man won THREE! WORLD CUPS, hes got all the bragging rights in the world. You telling me that because football has "evolved", he doesn't have the right to criticize?? lool ok, whatever you say.

buddymagoo4654d ago


Because of Pele the world of football is what it is today. If it wasn't for Pele maybe the worlds sport would be Rugby, Tennis or something else. I'm guessing Barcelona's Messi wouldn't exist if it weren't for Pele.

oli4654d ago

all i'm saying is that football in pale's time was different than messi's, you cant compare them.

buddymagoo4653d ago

Yeah oli you can't. The ball was heavier the pitch was worse and defenders used to rugby tackle forwards and get away with it. Messi wouldn't have survived back then.

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Baka-akaB4654d ago

Dear god that guy can't get any more bitter and over himself .

Did messi come up your face claiming "i'm better than you ?" , if not chill and be more humble already

krazykombatant4654d ago

When you've won 3 world cups, you don't need to be humble..

Flashwave_UK4654d ago

1 at the age of 17 i think

Nes_Daze4654d ago

He sounds arrogant and a total douche. He needs to learn some manners when speaking to the press. In fact, he sounds extremely bitter about something, what a shame, he was a good player but I guess that doesn't mean he's a person with respect out of the field. As for Messi not being a complete player...what the f*** does that mean? He has amazing passing skills and he's the best player in the hell with being a "complete player". You're gonna tell me that CR is better? Please! Have some respect for futbol first, LOL.