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Highlights: Everton 0-1 Manchester United (English Premier League - 29/10/11)

(0-1) Hernandez 19'

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buddymagoo4654d ago (Edited 4654d ago )

That'll do. Really gutted about Cleverley, we lost our cutting edge when we lost him. Hope he is back soon!

zeddy4654d ago

fergie says he's alright and will be back next week. which is good news since we looked a different team in midfield today.

Anderson84654d ago

him and ando in the midfield is the reason we started the season so brightly.. they seem to work well together... our defending still needs alot of work though we are givin away far too many chances

guigsy4653d ago

Yeah he will be back for the next league game according to Fergie. Even at such a young age he makes our midfield tick.

Shame about Young and Smalling though, both out for the next few weeks.

neoragex4654d ago

good performance from united, everton as usual shit.

buddymagoo4654d ago

Everton are a good team especially when you compare them to Liverpool and the amount they have spent.

neoragex4654d ago

Everton are a good team?

Didn't liverpool beat them 2-0 away?



Didn't Rodwell get sent off in the first half in that match and Everton had to play with 10 men and Liverpool got the 2 goals with 20 minutes to go?

Everton are a good team but its obvious their struggling with injuries and financial issues.

Gamer19824654d ago

You always talk about money with your comments yet forget to realise nearly every player united plays these days is bought. All your top quality players are bought and without buying players like Rooney, Ferdinand, Vidic, Van der Sar, Ronaldo (I could go on?) You wouldn't be on 19 league trophy's right now. So yeah United spend to win too. They have also broke the British transfer record for players more than any other team in the premier league.

buddymagoo4654d ago (Edited 4654d ago )


You neglect to mention our players were bought with the money from winning trophies. If you look at our income it has been more than the amount spent on players

We don't need some Arab sugar daddy to throw money at us to make us successful. And when he gets bored it's all over for City and they will be playing in league 2 again like they were not so long ago.



Again with this conversation?

How many times do I have to say that the way United have bought their players is nothing like the way City and Chelsea have done it.
And anyway Ronaldo, Vidic and Van Der Saar were bought cheap, infact the most expensive players we have bought in our history were

Berbatov (£30m)
Ferdinand (£29m)
Veron (£28m)
Rooney (£25.6m)

.... and thats it! Do you know any players where we paid a ridiculous fee or broke the transfer record for? Seriously let me know.

Now I can easily compare that to City's spending in the last 3 years but I won't bother, infact I'm over it, I wont comment on City buying glory anymore I promise, I accept them as genuine title challengers and I'm looking forward to this season 'cos we're far from over.

Oh and btw my comment was referring to Everton's financial problems and it is true they do have problems, their chairman admitted it hence why they didn't spend much in the last transfer window.

kane_lfc4654d ago

Everton are apsolute poo.

Arsenal have spent less than them since the prem started...that didnt stop them from winning trophies.

City are only catching up with the spending that United have been doing for agers...Man U have broken the transfer record countless of times and they have some of the highest payed players in the world...City are a project in the day they will dominate the world

BTW Carrick £20mil, Rooney £28mil, Ferdinand the 3rd highest payed center half in the world £30mil, Anderson £18-20mil and hes shit, Nani £20MIL, Young £20mil

RedDevils4654d ago

@Gamer1982 your team doesn't even have the income to buy Ronaldo boot alone, yet here you complain about us spending big even when we actually have an income of 100ml+ every seasons, and not only that we still didn't over spend and yet we still remaining winning titles almost every seasons

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4654d ago
coxy4654d ago

Such a boring match and another lacklustre performance from Manchester United.


A win is a win and Goodison Park is a tough place to go to, sorry we weren't entertaining enough for you.

topgeareasy4654d ago

man utd were bad regardless

coxy4654d ago

A win is a win, I agree. Statistically, if one team scores more goals than the other, the match will result in a win - but it doesn't mean that it was a good performance.

I was quite disappointed with a number of the players; didn't see much of Evans through the game and Fletcher messed up more passes than he completed. Welbeck showed potential when he had the ball, but it's a shame he didn't finish any chances.

Evra played well too, and I was glad to see that Ferguson gave Berbatov a chance after the match at Aldershot, but old Dimitar barely got a touch on the ball and didn't seem willing to chase it either - he seemed to want it played to his feet on numerous occasions.

0 - 1 is a win and, being away from home, I can't complain from a points perspective. However, when the team plays to that quality, it could easily have gone either way and Everton had a number of good chances to equalise and even, if they'd capitalized on those chances properly, take the lead.


You're right it wasnt a great performance but after last week's dissapointment, a win here was badly needed for confidence boost and keeping in touch with City.

From what I saw in the last 20 minutes, it looked like United tried to play it safe to hang on to the win and not send everyone forward, even Rooney dropped back which meant Berbatov was playing up on his own when he came on.

Gamer19824654d ago

Agreed but they havn't won at goodison for 4 years so this will be a little special plus a draw or loss today could have been disastrous for them as it would have put them even more points behind City who are unstoppable right now.

guigsy4653d ago

Sometimes you have to grind out results, it's games like these that can win you the title.

neoragex4654d ago

God, those are some pretty long comments.. lol

coxy4653d ago

Saving the 140 chars. or less discussion for Twitter. ;)