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Highlights: Tottenham Hotspur 3-1 QPR (English Premier League - 30/10/11)

1-0 | G. Bale | 20'
2-0 | R. Van Der Vaart | 33'
2-1 | J. Bothroyd | 62'
3-1 | G. Bale | 72'

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sokrates4653d ago

amazing performace by Bale! two nice goals and solid play. I guess Spurs will end up in front of Chelsea! yes!!!

KingsCross4653d ago

Season is looong... Tottenham will never beat Chelsea. Never. Our squad is way superior to make your wet dreams possible.

Gamer19824653d ago

Just like QPR would never beat Chelsea neither! Oh wait....

DavidLuiz44653d ago

@Gamer1982 -

- Alright tough guy just because you beat mancherster united with an man down doesnt mean nothing , your going to be able to that to any other team i bet like us... anybody can get beat by an low team with a bad performace and dont ever think your team is going to stay at top . Just like last season were going to come back to take it infront of city espicailly the spurs and arsenals ;) have a good day

Gamer19824652d ago

@DavidLuiz4 *yawn* were not Chelsea end of. So unlike you we won't fall apart at the end of the season. Why? Because our team are young and have the legs for a full season unlike Chelsea. Also learn to speak English will you your grammar stinks. Have a groovy day :).