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Manchester United: Why Sneijder Is Not the Player Sir Alex Needs at Old Trafford

BR - Wesley Sneijder is undoubtedly a world-class player. At Inter Milan, he was the creative fulcrum for the Italian side's treble-winning season and a driving force in Holland's run to the final of the 2010 World Cup.

For the past two summers, his name has been batted about the gossip columns as the potential successor to Paul Scholes at Old Trafford—a midfield solution to United’s creative gap.

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topgeareasy4643d ago

I extremly disagree we lack depth in midfield in which he could fill.

buddymagoo4642d ago

We lack depth in midfield but we make it up on the winds. 2nd is not bad for lacking depth.

topgeareasy4642d ago

are you high?

man utd should thrash teams like sunderland etc and 6-1 (remember that)

he can make a major difference

buddymagoo4642d ago

Funny guy. It won't matter at the end of the season when we make it 20. I'll see you then, yeah.

RedDevils4642d ago

Finally there an article say no to Sneijder!

OT: We do lack depth in midfield not only that, but we also lack quality in midfield, our best Midfield atm are probable Cleverley, Fletcher and Carrick

ProjectVulcan4641d ago

Sneijder is a great player but not a great investment for united. He would still demand at least 30m fee and huge wages. At 27 he is at the upper age limit Manchester United might consider signing someone for, Berbatov was at that limit and he was almost certainly overpriced and rather a rush signing too.

Cleverley just needs more time, and in that time United need to be scouting for a young playmaker in case Cleverley does not work out.

Personally i would like to see someone like Marek Hamsik, or that type of player come in IF united have to sign someone. Someone you can rely on to supply you with at least a dozen goals from the midfield a season.

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kulka4642d ago

Inter needs him even more I can't see Inter doing anything without Sneijder

shadowraiden4642d ago

yh hes a great player but like this article says does he trully lead midfield. we have always needed a true replacement to roy keane as we already have the all round young paul scholes player in our team in wayne rooney with how he plays with hernandez/welbeck.
cleverly i love watching him early on as he was brilliant seem to know when to link up and when he had to sit in whole like he had been doing it for years, feel if we can get him fully fit with a fully fit fletcher playing with rooney infront of them and then hernadez the out and out poacher he is and obviously our wingers then we have a team that can not only go far but could break records even the mighty 90's youth we all know about now couldnt break

guigsy4642d ago

As much as I would love to see Sneijder at United I can understand the argument here. Cleverley had an immense start to the season and we lost our way after he got injured. Fergie would never make that sort of investment on anyone over 25 anymore anyway.

mcstorm4642d ago

I agree with you on this but our problem has been injures. I think Anderson and Cleverley have played well together but Anderson seems to lose his way playing with other players.

But over the last few games only Anderson has been fully fit. Carrick Flech and cleverley have been out or not fully fit and this has been our problem. I think our midfield is not a bad one to have when players play well as Carrick can pass the ball very well but for some reason over the past 2 seasons he has stopped passing the ball forward. Flech is a work horse but he is not fit yet. Anderson has shown what he can do at the start of this season but he needs to do it alot more. Cleverley is going to be an amazing player in 2 or 3 seasons if he is kept fit.

But all that said at the moment united midfield players are not playing that well so to me SAF needs to remind them who they play for and if they don't pick-up there game by January then he will start to look to replace them but I dont think it will be Sneijder.

FlashXIII4641d ago (Edited 4641d ago )

I think Sneijder is the perfect player for utd's lack of creativity. Yeah he isn't getting younger but I still think utd would be far better off with him.. perhaps looking for someone a little younger would be the best bet? Goetze or whatever his name is would be a fantastic buy and considering his age would allow Fergie and co to hammer the utd ethic into him.

I also agree with one of the above posters.. we've lacked a good midfielder leader ever since Keano left. Utd were linked with schweinsteiger at one point, he'd fit that role perfectly.

Anderson84641d ago

hi jus signed a contract extension with bayer so hes out the picture i think.. yea i think goatze or hazard would be good and hopefully cleverly can stay fit

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