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Highlights: Manchester United 1-1 Newcastle United (English Premier League - 26/11/11)

1-0 J. Hernandez 49'
1-1 D. Ba 64'(pen)

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no_more_heroes4626d ago


No way in hell that was a penalty by the way. It's not even debatable.

buddymagoo4626d ago (Edited 4626d ago )

What's that even mean? We played well and we will have to move forward. We were robbed but there is nothing we can do about that now.

Edit: Look how quick the haters come from out of the woodwork. Thanks for the following us, closet devils.

no_more_heroes4626d ago

guess someone didn't watch Lord of the Rings then...

zeddy4626d ago

that linesman should never be allowed to referee ever again, incredible decision.

Gamer19824626d ago

I agree that wasn't a penalty but its about time some decisions went against them like that instead of for them. Has there luck finally ran out? Seemed so in the last 10 minutes they couldn't score and when they finally did it was offside. Even so United was the most threatening side especially when Newcastle went down to 10 men..

Oh yeah United fans I thought once you go down to ten men you get beat heavily? I mean that was your excuse for the 1-6 demolition. Seems your theory is flawed afterall. I told you 10 men isn't an excuse for losing. Also Rooney once again proved again how useless he is.. Hernandez though should play every game for united if he did he would be there highest scorer easily.

buddymagoo4626d ago

You really that delusional? go spend another 950m just to win an FA cup.



Yes but there was a difference the way we played with 10 men than the way Newcastle played with 10 men today. United pushed everyone forward against City leaving the defence vulnerable whereas Newcastle pulled everyone back to defend like crazy.

GanjaMan4626d ago

Hahaha Golden and how did i know ba was going to be on the scoresheet, Ba has been the bargain of the season so far (if anyone didnt know he was FREE!)

zeddy4626d ago

awful decision but after that we had a ridiculous amount of chances, we should have scored. newcastle looked like a league 1 team after the sending of but still we couldnt score! spurs are 3rd with a game in hand too, there're practically 2nd now.

Gamer19824626d ago

I agree you should have beat them and were unlucky not to which says a lot more about Newcastle than United to be fair. They do know how to defend and will do well this season.

RedDevils4626d ago

Can you say that again, who do not know how to defend, obviously RIO Tackle was perfectly even Maldini will be proud of that

kulka4626d ago

Both goals were really strange today but I missed the game :/

topgeareasy4626d ago

poor decisions made by the officials but we need Wesley Sneijder

Gamer19824626d ago

You definitely need some creativity in the middle of the park. Your too predictable. You rely on them long balls to the front players who will either try a run through and get clattered earning a free kick or try a cross. Newcastle got caught by the run once and it led to a goal but learned from it and thats why it was so hard for united to go up again.

RedDevils4626d ago (Edited 4626d ago )

No! We don't need that megabuck injuries prone

KonohagakureFC4626d ago

Tim Krul for Dutch number 1?!

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