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Highlights: Manchester City 0-1 Liverpool FC (Carling Cup - 11/01/12)

13' GERRARD (Penalty) 0-1

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no_more_heroes4555d ago (Edited 4555d ago )

Flame suit...on!

*ducks for cover*

(I think we all know why)

buddymagoo4555d ago (Edited 4555d ago )

4 loses in 8 for City now. I can see more slip ups on the way with Toure/Toure, Kompany, Silva all out. The Premier League is difficult when you haven't got your full squad fit. Though no excuses for Mancini having spent 250m.

buddymagoo4555d ago (Edited 4555d ago )

Right this proves no one is overly interested in these two teams.

Manchester United brings in the punters. Whether it is love or hate they all want to talk about Manchester United. This comment thread is boreville!

I shouldn't bring it up but I feel I have to, just to prove a point.

See you all in the next Manchester United highlights article. You know who I'm talking about. ;p

KingPin4555d ago


Gamer1982 or is it 1892? who cares

just to name a few.

proving my point that they know nothing about soccer and aren't supporters of any club. they all just anti-MUFC

il be expecting a minimum of 3 disagrees for this comment :P

NewMonday4555d ago

LOL @buddymagoo & @KingPin

i see you 2 are very interested in these clubs

buddymagoo4554d ago


I'm just interested in football mate and would like all of the highlights articles to be packed liked the Manchester United ones. That's is why most of us are here, for a little banter.

ProjectVulcan4554d ago

City in a major form dip. They looked clueless going forward last night, missing the creativity of Toure and Silva badly.

Wigan might very well fancy taking points of City, but at the very least Spurs must be pleased they can face City without Kompany and Toure.

A win for Spurs in 10 days would blow the title race wide open.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4554d ago
Sahil4555d ago

It certainly wasn't pretty but it worked. I'd have taken anyone's hand off if they offered me a draw before the game, and we won. Second leg at Anfield. Happy times!

City were horrendous.

Anderson84555d ago (Edited 4555d ago )

terribly boring game to watch but a decent result.. makes the 2nd leg a bit more interesting.. didnt think city would miss silva and kompany so much.. what have been spending all their money on?

and another poor game for carroll

NewMonday4555d ago

we did MC a favor hopefully they go out and focus on the PL.

GanjaMan4555d ago

Fucking hell how boring was that match, nearly fell asleep zzzzzzzzzz zzzzz

Kos-Mos4555d ago

And what about yourself? You`re boring too with your teen language.

GanjaMan4554d ago (Edited 4554d ago )

maybe thats cause i'm a teen (18) dumbass hahahaa par'd mate

Kos-Mos4554d ago

You have to write like a teen when you consider yourself as one when you`re 18?

GanjaMan4554d ago (Edited 4554d ago )

just because you can move out and get a full time job at 18 doesn't mean your not a teen, I live with my parents still and go to college how does that make me an adult? Legally your kind of an adult because you can vote but no one looks at a 18 year old and thinks adult they think teenager, adult is 20 years old mate

zeddy4555d ago

stadium was half full for a cup semi, no wonder the city players werent up for it.

guigsy4555d ago

They couldn't even fill their ground for the derby.

danikagrace4555d ago

City looked vulnerable from the beginning, seems their ultimate confidence is waning.....

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