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Should Copa America 'Vanishing Spray' be introduced globally?

The spray, which has been designed to stop defensive walls from encroaching closer than 10 yards to the ball at free-kicks, is set to be discussed at next month's IFAB meeting

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Corepred44541d ago

Sure, I don't see why they wouldn't. You know that they edge their way up at least 2-3 yards after the ref sets the wall.


Honestly... there are much bigger problems in football than the defending team edging a couple of yards closer during a free kick.

Baka-akaB4541d ago (Edited 4541d ago )

there are bigger problems because refs and the various football authorities keep giving free passes to every small stuff like that .

All for the sake of preserving entertainement .

Look at their refusal of videos . It's ridiculeous , NBA and US football have been using it , and you wont find sports that are bigger sources of spectacle and entertainements . If those arent harmed by video , no way football would , if handled right .


I'm not saying they shouldn't use this spray, if it helps the game then I'm all for it. It's just I don't think there needs to be a big debate or a vote on this. This is a small issue, they could start using this spray tommorow and I'm pretty sure we won't see a big difference in football unlike video technology.

ProjectVulcan4541d ago

It is pretty unbelievable they will allow something gimmicky like this spray where the ref should just do his job and make them stay compared to fighting tooth and nail over something vastly more crucial to the game outcome like goal line technology.

Makes me annoyed.

caseh4540d ago

As much as I agree with goal line technology i think it would be a bad idea to some extent.

If they go ahead with that, then camera replays will eventually be expected of the game itself. Due to the amount of players that go down because they've been sneezed on the flow of the game will be ruined.

Its the only sport that over-runs with several minutes of extra time due to players rolling about like they've been struck by lightening from an ankle tap, video replays will be requested on top of that.

In the long run the game would probably benefit as players would be less likely to dive due to being caught out and issued a card. Sadly the initial toothache of getting to that stage would be too much.

buddymagoo4540d ago

You just have to implement a 3 call system like tennis where each team has only 3 calls on all events. If they win the call it doesn't get used up.

Anderson84541d ago

this seems unnecesary.. how could you argue this and not goal line tech?

RBdrift4541d ago

That vanishing spray has been very successful for the past few years in the Mexican league. I'd say they need to go for it.

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