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Manchester United have cause for complaint as unique survey highlights Premier League errors

Manchester United would already be celebrating retaining their Premier League title, rather than preparing to surrender it to Manchester City, if every key refereeing decision had been made correctly this season, a study has shown.

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Corepred44459d ago

Lol, really? Don't be like this Man U fans. I know its not all of you but there's still one more game to go. You still have a chance to win the league. And if you don't win it, oh well, can't win it all the time. Lose like men.

buddymagoo4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

I think this just goes to show people like you just like to talk smack about United.

I doubt it will stop but at least we have factual evidence that referees are not on our side.

Golden_Dive4459d ago

Your about to cry lol , I Hope City Win , MONEY IS POWER - & EXCUSES AFTER EXCUSE

ProjectVulcan4459d ago

This story here, and THIS: one here are mostly the story of United's season. If City only take it on goal difference, it shows how much hard work they made it.

Corepred44459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

No, it just shows how much of a whiny girl you are. Geez! You're gonna back this article?! You think none of my favorite sports team have never lost because of a referee?! It sucks but I don't have to go find 'evidence' that it was the ref's fault. Quit playing victim, it's pathetic.

Edit: This article is SOO sad! Over 200 hours were put in! Lmao! In super slow-mo?!? You do know ref's have to make a split second decision right? And ever after all this analysis and whining City still have more supposed errant calls called against them.

buddymagoo4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

Core do you have an agenda because it seems to me that this has nothing to do with your team/league and you obviously can't condone bad refereeing decisions.

You call the integrity of this well established newspaper into question while provide nothing to back up your statements. You just come across as a troll calling people whiny girls???

Corepred44459d ago

Maybe cause that's ALL I ever see you post is excuses and crying. Doesn't matter what league it is, I'm a football fan. I try to read about and watch what I can. I know all about bad refereeing. I don't like it but its part of the game. I never called out their integrity, I just laughed that they actually did something like this. Ugh, I hate that word "troll", used by people who forgot what a conversation/argument is.

Golden_Dive4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

MuddyBamboo is trying to be cool isnt he lol , Please dont call no one whiny but your self - Man city already thought yall that eh? so did bilboa and also stick up like a men & accept whats about your club Lmao, your 11 years old kid- You Talk ALOT

Just shhhhhhhhhh

buddymagoo4459d ago

@golden dive

Racial stereotyping much!? Mancunian born and raised thank you very much! 200 years of Manchester blood in my veins.


Leave off then. It's okay you don't like the article but it stated a case. You have every right to disprove but don't deny it's validity especially when you have no vested interest, if indeed you don't.

Golden_Dive4459d ago Show
NewMonday4459d ago

no mention of 2 Ashley Young dives that resulted in 6 points?

Epic Fail!

Gamer19824458d ago

What crap this is. The amount of points they have got because of Refs this season is unreal. Them 2 clear dives from Young got them games as they opened up the scoring line when it was level without them goals anything could have happened. Lets not even get into the penalty that should have happened in the Fulham game game right? United have been gifted points by referees left right and centre this season and this article is nothing but a sad attempt at an excuse as the balance of power is shifting in Manchester even with the dodgy decisions going the way of the red.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4458d ago
mcstorm4458d ago

@Corepred4 Im a massive red and I agree with you here. The biggest problem with United fans and its a lot of them they have been spoilt as we have more or less won a cup each year SAF has been in charge of us (I know there are a few we have not but in general) they are blind to see what is going on at United. SAF is building a new and young squad again and to take City all the way to the last game with the squad they have (which City has the best in the league imo) I will be happy to finish 2nd on goal difference.

United have come out and said that there will be players leaving and coming in in the summer and I am happy with this as if united sell the following players Anderson, Park, Berbatov (even though I don't want to see him go)Fabio (on loan) and bring in another left winger to cover Young as nani is not as good on the left as the right but he is cover for Valencia and then bring in a Left back to take on ever who has had a bad season and a right back to help push Rafael on to being the good defender he looks like he could be and the bring in a decent midfield player too replace scholes I think the united squad will be more than strong enough to beat city to the league as we would have a squad of youth, hunger, experience and leaders which we have missed this year with the players we have had out this season.

If united fans cant see this they don't know anything about the Club.

As of tomorrows game I don't see both sides picking 3 points up tomorrow I see one of them dropping points but don't know which one it will be but I will be willing QPR on.

freeduck4459d ago

Most pro-Utd garbage article I've seen this season

Utd have scrapped by a lot of their wins this and last season, low-tier clubs like Wigan usually just roll on the ground the minute they start playing against them.
No excuses

zeddy4459d ago

not saying we would have won the league if the refs got every decision right but it does quash what people say about united and we get every decision, wrong or right. its just that when a bad decision does go our way, its highlighted to the extreme.

PaPa-Slam4458d ago


People need to realize that the REF's don't have any personal vendetta against Untied.

chukamachine4458d ago

You people take it way too seriously.

What difference does it actually make to your lives, if your team wins for loses.


Refs get it wrong in every game i've ever seen, wether it's utd,city,arsenal,spurs,chelsea ,fulham, etc.

Refs are only human, but some of them are shite.

As for utd, the dives counted for many points, plus fergursons own stop watch.

I hope city do win it.

Gets boring no matter what team wins, if it's all the time.

Same with every sport.

Snooker, tennis, they all get boring. same people.

That's why F1 is the best it's ever been, because it's so open now.

4458d ago Replies(1)