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Get ready for the November Contest!

11x2 brought you our very first monthly contest earlier this month.

While we are waiting for the results of the October contest, we are now shaping our November Contest.

This Friday the contest for November will be announced.

We are offering some really cool prizes so be sure to check in to get started!

But first, Give us your opinion on our first monthly contest:
1) What was good
2) what was bad
3) What should be done diferently

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karim5077d ago

1) The Good : Fifa 11 ;) {comment contest}
2)The Bad : The Money Prize of Contributing I think it should have been a higher reward :P
3)Hmm...that's tough but i would like to have given a prize for the man who approves and reports the most story ;)
Overall:I really liked it keep up the good job 11x2

kulka5077d ago (Edited 5077d ago )

1) I liked the comment contest
2)I would like to see a price for the highest rated comments and to the person who starts most discussions which other members join
3) Other than that everything else was great keep up the great work

The Hunter5077d ago

1) It was overall a good contest and I like the heat rise the most (this month only because I have the hottest story so far :P)

2) I agree with Karim, I think the number 1 should get 100, number 2: 75 and number 3: 50 or so.. Submit stories is importent and should be stimulate! :)

3) Yeah I like to see a Approve contest! And then get ride of the "Approve 3 and submit 5" thing.. Then stories will also be quicker approved ;)