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April is my last month with HAVAmedia, thank you for the past 7 years!


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July Contests

Cat|4460d ago |Blog Post|9|

Hey, 11x2! I think it's about time for a July contest! Let's keep it simple...

When you visit 11x2 at least once during every 24 hour period during July 6-31st you are entered into our Loyal Reader Lottery! If you want to keep track you can follow along with your Daily Visit score*, so if you want to make sure you've logged in during a 24 hour period check this score on your profile!

Prize: 2 Winners - $50 Amazon Gift Card each!

Each comment you make on 11x2 during the July 1st-31st 11:59 PM EST = 1 entry. Comment 25 times? 25 entries. 100? 100 entries. You get the idea? Yeah, you do!

DQ if you pick up a restriction during the contest period, and comments with negative labels (Trolling, Off Topic, etc.) don't count.

Prize: 2 winners - a $50 Amazon Gift Card each!

You must post a User Blog in the month of July! The top User Blog as voted by the ten most active members of the month wins! There's no limit to how many wonderful User Blogs you can write and enter, anything you author here on 11x2 during the month of July will be eligible.

Prize: 1 winner, a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

 Submit news and get a top News ranking in July!

The prizes are:
1st: $100 Amazon Gift Card
2nd: $50 Amazon Gift Card
3rd: $25 Amazon Gift Card
*Just a note: I'm sorry the Daily Visit score isn't more 'every day' instead of its current 'every 24h1m', but that is just the front end tracking for you guys and when we run the lotto we pull from a more accurate list. So for those of you visiting every day diligently but not triggering the Daily Visit score reward, don't stress about it!
Some Terms and Conditions:
Terms and Conditions
1. Competition is open to all 11x2 users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA.
2. Closing date is 11:59 PM EST 31th July 2012.
3. In the event of unforeseen circumstances 11x2/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
4. Prizes are not transferrable.
5. The winners of the competition will be notified by 11x2 ticket on or before August 7, 2012.
6. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.

Past winners? Follow this:

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PaPa-Slam4459d ago

Cool, i'm eyeing Comment and loyal readers lottery. :D

freeduck4457d ago

Great how the contests are still rolling, hope the prizes will be distributed.

Can winners win multiple competitions?

PaPa-Slam4457d ago

No. According the previous announcements of 11x2, there always written. 1 Prize per member.

Click the link to check.

Look at the bottom of those Blogs.

Cat4456d ago

I'm going to do what I do on N4G - merit based competitions (blog posts, contributor) don't prevent you from winning lucky draws (lotteries) and vice versa. Can't win both lotteries or twice in one lottery.

FootballZilla4452d ago

So i could potentially win the contributor & best blog and receive 2 prizes in one month?

buddymagoo4450d ago

Can I just say thank you for being so helpful cat! Hopefully with you around this site can flourish!

BritishUK4441d ago

Hey cat , i wonder are you going to put up the august contest/?