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FootballZilla - 11x2 Moderator


CRank: 38Score: 439800

11x2 Fantasy Premier Football - Gameweek 2 Update -

Ok, So the 2nd gameweek has just finished andddd Sahil still in the lead.


Monthly Table Top 5:

1 - Neoragex FC - 131
2 - Hyrule - 117
3 - Tiago Fc - 114
4 - Liverpool - 113
5 - Duck FC - 108


Overall Table Top 5:

1 - Neoragex FC - 131
2 - Hyrule - 117
3 - Tiago Fc - 114
4 - Liverpool - 113
5 - Duck FC - 108


Overall Table Bottom 5:

29 - Inbar - 65
31 - Phoenix - 62
32 - Team0084 - 62
32 - Wumpa - 61
34 - London Star - 53


The whole table is here :


The Gameweek 3 blog will be posted on the 28/9th August.

Congrats to the top five and good luck for next week.

- FootballZilla

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FootballZilla4779d ago

Can anyone tell me how im going to calculate how many points each player gets only for next month? :/

no_more_heroes4778d ago (Edited 4778d ago )

You posted these point totals too early by the way. Always give it at least 12 hrs after the last match of the gameweek is played. It takes a while for them to calculate the points totals and standings for the over 2 million people participating in God-knows-how-many leagues.

MaximusPrime4778d ago

been too busy lately. didnt update my team :(

sokrates4778d ago

To many injuries... I am falling. By the end of the season i will turn it over my way for the iPad;)