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FootballZilla - 11x2 Moderator


CRank: 38Score: 439800

August Winner - GJ23 -11x2 Fantasy Premier Football - Gameweek 4 Update -

Ok, So the 4td gameweek has just finished and GJ23 is still in the lead and has $50 for winning the first month


Monthly Table Top 5:

1 Graphite - 279
2 Tiago FC - 253
3 Hyrule - 239
4 SL Benfica - 236
5 Neoragex FC - 233


Overall Table Bottom 5:

30 Mahkee Warriors - 159
31 Wumpa - 126
32 Team0084 - 123
33 London Star - 122
34 inbar - 122

The whole table is here :


The Gameweek 5 blog will be posted on the 19 September.

Congrats to the top five and good luck for next week.
Thanks to Sahil for the thumbnail pictures ;)

- FootballZilla

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FootballZilla4757d ago

How am i going to know how many points people get this month :/..

jak3y13oy4756d ago

on the table there is a filter on the top right, which filters the months :)

FootballZilla4756d ago

dosent work for mee dosent change

jak3y13oy4756d ago

did you press the 'Filter' button after selecting 'September'?

zico4755d ago (Edited 4755d ago )

still not in the list:-( WHY? My "TeamGold" is fantastic! What wrong have I done?

GJ234754d ago

Awesome :). How do i get the prize?

Thank you :)

RedDevils4753d ago (Edited 4753d ago )

How come when I filter the month of August in Fantasy league I'm in fifth and here it doesn't??

FootballZilla4753d ago

next week it will be sorted...

FootballZilla4753d ago

the table up there is wrong next update it will be correct im sorry..