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Glad to be back!


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Dear Santa

Well Santa, I'm going to tell you from the start that I really, really don't like talking about myself but well..This year was just like any other year, had great and awful moments but thankfully I stayed the same (maybe not so great for other people!)..

I haven't done many notable things this year but the only things that could stand out are probably:

Convincing my parents/family and friends to give me their old/unused clothes to donate to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon..There was a storm coming from Russia, the Syrians had horrible conditions and couldn't cope, there was a story about a 3 year old kid that froze to death, which moved me (and a lot of other people!) which drove me to do this..Can say that I'm proud that I collected nearly 200 pieces of clothing.

Other things include giving food and a small amount of cash to a young kid (beggar) who looked like he hasn't eaten in days and was looking at my food from the restaurant's window, it's impossible to enjoy your food when someone is looking at you this way...

Helping my friend who was feeling depressed....I really can't think of any other thing!

Well anyway Santa, I really wanted a PS4 but I'll settle for some PS3 games or an Amazon gift card!

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