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"I get orders, I stab people."


CRank: 72Score: 1225930

What is THIS?!

Recently I posted highlights for the second leg of the Quarter Final tie between Bayern Munich and Inter Milan. I made a comment or two, then left my computer for a few hours. When I come back to check on it, I notice a new add/remove tag alert on my account. When I click on it, it takes me to the aforementioned highlights, but I notice that it's in a format that I DID NOT POST IT IN! The only explanation for this is that someone HACKED INTO MY ACCOUNT and made the changes.

I'm a very paranoid person, so certain thoughts and accusations are going through my head right now. I HOPE I'M NOT RIGHT!

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kulka4938d ago

Well it never happened to me but someone should certainly look into it

karim4938d ago

Actually you are "100 % right" and the only one who can do this IS A MODERATOR,bold but true.

A few months ago,I had an argument with a Chelsea-hating mod (won't mention who) so after I checked my account a few hours later,comments were posted "by me" and saying something like "I hate Chelsea,we only cheat" etc...

SO you're NOT paranoid.

kulka4938d ago (Edited 4938d ago )

Perhaps both cases were made by same person I think we could have a hacker on this website

The Hunter4938d ago (Edited 4938d ago )

Its easy to see who the change had made.. I reported it and I saw also who approved the submission (I can say that because it is public) it was Donb a moderator!

Moderators must do right things and not to mess up submissions! I see also most times that a moderator/admin fix a report and then approve it afterwards, this is not the right way!! Contributers must learn about their faults and not being helped without seeing the actually report!

11x2 is a user driven site, so Moderators must act a little bit to the back IMO.. Or the Moderator must know how things work.. Because the submission of yours was really messed up. All players who scored was added as tag wich is not the right way.

And I know tags are a bit confused! But let me tell u this: If I search for the tag of a player to read news about that specific player. And I see most times Highlights of matches wich I dont want to see, because I say I want to read news about the player!!

This is how it work, you need to think outside the box! And not adding tags for everything is related to the submission because it will be a mess! BTW the description was also being messed up with duplicating the headline! WHY??

Last, but not least.. I dont want make problems with this comment, the only thing I want is that the site will be a quality site and is a nice place to read football news! No harm, no foul! Dont take this personal...

karim4935d ago

It was Donb in my case too.

njc4934d ago

Noticed! We will discuss this on the next meeting.

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