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Friday Nights

So it is after about 20 days that I feel inspired enough again to write a blog. But a major reason for this inspiration is also the free time I have after my finals.

So how boring are Fridays? I mean really! The week is over, and they only thing I can think about is tomorrow starting already. Not only will it be football night, there are also a couple of cricket matches. To be fair though there was a great tennis match today, but I think we all here would agree that there isn't really anything like football. And its cup night, and with that I always get extra excited, but I'll save this for another blog.

My big shocks for the cup night; United to draw and have to play again. And Chelsea to thrash Everton. As for Sunday, Fullham to beat Tottenham. And sorry I only regularly follow English football.

This has been one uneventful week. No upsets in the Carling Cup, however, the Birmingham match was worth watching. It was nearly there but failed to provide. Man U and Arsenal both were on the verge of having a not so good time in the headlines, but it turned to boring. Nothing better than an upset is there? It is a little like a Hollywood movie but I always end up supporting the underdog, except when my team are playing. (You know I always feel so clever that no one here can tell which team I support! So awesome. I'm taken seriously everywhere. Lol.)

Anyway, I am going to stop this very low quality blog right here. Lets hope I can get a couple of comments. And all you guys are very kind, so good reviews please. Lol.

*There is one thing on today though, the Asian Cup third place match. But they give the ball away way too much.

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rafay4985d ago

I like the image I found! Score...

no_more_heroes4985d ago

will any of the big boys fall this weekend? At least one of them will. My money is on Man City. ;)

The Hunter4985d ago (Edited 4985d ago )

Yeah it is friday and I have no voice right now! Yesterday I was on the birthday present of 'VAK 410' - ULTRAS AMSTERDAM in the match Ajax - NAC (4-1)! They supporting our club now for a decade long!

With 3/4 TIFO Supports in one match it was a great evening! So, today I will take it easy and I will make a blog to about our ULTRAS AMSTERDAM Group and how the evening was.. But you see that soon ;)

Nice weekend everybody!!

rafay4985d ago

Sounds great!

It is so refreshing to see someone who is not a supporter of a Premier League club or Barca or Real.

karim4985d ago

Friday nights always suck...I am ALWAYS sick/tired,good to see you writing some blog.

MasterGuru4984d ago

Friday night is sex night. :-) I'm just sayin'