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11x2 Admin


CRank: 5Score: 25340

July Contest Winners Updated (aka I've made a huge mistake)

So, due to my ignorance and inability to click things, the top users for last month have been updated in the previous blog post and new tickets have been issued regarding prizes.

My mistake, it won't happen again.

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Sandmano4065d ago

Did I win? The competition strictly says "submit news" Im sixth place overall but Im fith on news which is what the comeptetion is obviously about.

Dont tell me your counting the total score? I got the higher news score.

jak3y13oy4065d ago

you're the worst mod in the world sid.. ;)

Sandmano4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

There are no mods on this site. Theres no one you can contact.

Heck I could go on a false reporting spree and no one would notice. You would have to go and hunt them down only to be ignored anyway...

It also seems like your never ever going to get those 500 bucks from the fantasy league. I mean they really took the word "fantasy" seriously... ;)

jak3y13oy4064d ago

well i wouldn't say that, sure FBZ and Mezzo havent been around a lot lately but they have a life outside of 11x2 which is more important... im always on here because im on summer hols and i got a lot of spare time! :L

i'm still hoping them fantasy $500 becomes reality! :P

Sidology4058d ago

I AM. I KNOW. (;へ:)

-Mezzo-4064d ago

I'd love to see you try.

Sandmano4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

Lol now some one replies when I make an obviously over exaggerated remark.

Hadi a39abik ya bash mahndas lay ne6lik 3erg