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CRank: 5Score: 25340

August 2013 Contest

Whooph! Hi, lovelies. Sorry this took so long, but I think you're going to like this contest! We're doing things slightly differently, but I do so love audience participation that doesn't amount to you being like "okay i click thing such wow okay."

Contest details are as follows!


Write a blog! Not just any blog, but I want to learn about you and football! More precisely, your blog should contain the following:

>What drove you to have a love for football? Was it your parents? Your friends? Accidental special interest? Tell me!
>What keeps you coming back for more? Do you keep up with the players? Stats? The intense action on television/internet? Other reasons? Multiple reasons? List 'em!

Pretty easy, huh? Just submit your blog post like you would any other before the end of the month and you're entered!

Prizes for this one:
1st Place: $50 Gift Card
2nd Place: $35 Gift Card
3rd Place: $25 Gift Card

(Yes, it is kind of like an essay contest, in the fact that it is exactly an essay contest)


This one's easy and familiar! Contributor contest! Get that top stuff in the month of August, hot stuff! You know what to do. Submit well and submit often!

1st: $40 Gift Card
2nd: $30 Gift Card
3rd: $20 Gift Card



Be that super awesome person who goes the extra mile to not only contribute content, but to the overall quality of 11x2 and you'll snag yourself a bonus! One prize only!

1st (and only): $30 Gift Card

Here's the kicker to all this: You're not excluded from any of the contests, so you have the opportunity to WIN THEM ALL if you do an excellently excellent job. Whaaaaaaaat?! Crazy! That's a maximum winnings of $120! (!!!)

Regarding the blog contest, just know that spelling and grammar count, because I'm a content editor and IT'S IMPORTANT, so check and double check your work! I know some of you don't speak English as your native tongues, so try your best! I will be lenient in some cases. Your blogs are not relegated to any specific length, but just know the more elaborate you are, the better. :)

If you have questions or concerns, hit me up, or just leave 'em below in ze comments!

Blog away, my pretties!

Some Terms and Conditions:
1. Competition is open to all 11x2 users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA.
2. Closing date is 11:59 PM EST August 31st, 2013.
3. In the event of unforeseen circumstances 11x2/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
4. Prizes are not transferable.
5. The winners of the competition will be notified by 11x2 ticket on or before September 7th, 2013.
6. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.

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no_more_heroes4057d ago

Ok, cool. Still haven't gotten my June prize though. Can it just be lumped together with my July prize?

Sidology4057d ago

Hey, hey. We're working on it. Emails of all sorts have been sent out.

Ponies, they need holding.

no_more_heroes4057d ago

Ok great. Hope it gets sorted soon.

Still wish it wasn't so late though. Messed up plans for the summer.

*sigh* such is life I guess.

neoragex4056d ago

What score do I take in mind if am going for moderator contest prize?

Sidology4056d ago

Moderate to the best of your ability! Last month's best manager was Gekko with a whopping score of 5010, more than doubling the next highest (you, actually) at 2050.

Currently, Mezzo is leading this month's moderating score at 510.

jak3y13oy4056d ago

Awesome! great to see more ways to win than just overall score contests! :D

Sidology4056d ago

If this one goes over well, expect to see more like this!

no_more_heroes4044d ago

I think I've disqualified myself from the Moderator Bonus award. *oops*