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I am sorry

Hey everybody.
I am sorry for my last post. I see now that I was to subjective and showed my hate to Man Utd to much. Sorry for that, i will not do it again.
Today i see on the match fixture list it will be a very good round. All the top teams meets teams they "should beat" Normally some teams slip. I hope for Arsene Wenger`s sake that it wont be Arsenal. Stoke has Man Utd on visit, i guess it will be the same as the last years, it will be 0-0 for 85 minutes, then Utd scores. Impressive.
I have my chelsea googles on and hope they crush swansea 4-0, it will be exiting to see if Nando Torres will score today, it would be super typical if he does a bad game again.
I think liverpool will crush wolves, captain fantastic is back and I say 3-0 to liverpool when final whistle is done.

So good luck to you all and i write more tonight when a top team has slipped.


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