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Landon Donovan: Why He Should Make Everton Move Permanent

BR - Landon Donovan is headed back to England.

This time he should stick around a while.

News came out of Los Angeles late Thursday that Donovan had signed a loan deal with Everton of the English Premier League. The two-month agreement makes him eligible to play for the Liverpool-based club from Jan. 4 until Feb. 25.

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Nes_Daze4566d ago

He needs to play in a higher level of football, he might be able to improve a bit more even for his age.

freeduck4566d ago

Why on Earth would he leave LA while he is getting paid millions and go to Merseyside to a financially wrecked club.

dcortz20274566d ago

Maybe he doesn't really care about the money, but the experience. It could help him become a better player.

RedDevils4565d ago

1 reason Everton Doesn't got money to pay his transfer fee