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Carroll has silenced his critics, says Dalglish

The Liverpool striker has received much criticism since his transfer from Newcastle, but the man who took him to Anfield said he showed his true ability against Sweden

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GanjaMan4367d ago

lol queen keeny trying to defend his 35mill donkey caroline, just because hes scored 1 goal for england dosnt mean hes suddenly become good!

silvacrest4367d ago

lol, you came in a little harsh but i still agree, 1 goal does not = a good player

Yi-Long4364d ago

... namely being a menace in the air with strong headers, if provided with proper assists.

I don't think THAT was ever the issue for debate.

The criticism comes mostly for what he can and can't do with his feet.

Also, the ridiculous amount of money that Liverpool paid for him has ofcourse caused for such unreal expectation which would have been difficult to live up to for almost any striker.

If he gets the proper support, he is (or can be) a great menace for any defense. However, he also still has lots of areas to improve so he will be less dependant on others and can create his own chances.

He's not the type of player I'm a fan of, and I think it's a bit opportunistic from Dally to say this 1 goal has silenced his critics cause he did something we already knew he could do, but given the right support he should be very valuable for any team.

neoragex4367d ago

Got 1 chance, Scored a fantastic header!!!

RVP: Played:3 Goals: 1
Carroll: Played:1 Goals: 1


ProjectVulcan4367d ago (Edited 4367d ago )

Ergo Andy Carroll better than RvP!


That is nonsense. Deal with it.

Carroll last 3 seasons in the premier league:

61 games, 17 goals


79 games, 57 goals.

There is also a reason why the younger Danny Welbeck is ahead of Carroll in the pecking order for England.


I'm sorry, did you just imply Carroll is better than Van Persie?

neoragex4366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

Caroll played better than RVP @ EURO 2012


People on here come to conclusions so quickly, it's ridiculously funny.

shadowraiden4366d ago

hahaha 1 goal means nothing while a good header it was all about the delivery.

outside of that goal he was shockingly poor and was one of worst players on pitch for giving ball away, also the goal was against sweden while RVP hasnt been at his best his goal was brilliant against the favourites that is germany.

Yi-Long4364d ago

... TBH, I do feel he's slightly overrated and can't perform when it REALLY counts.

He's been absolutely brilliant for Arsenal the last 18 months, but obviously they've also got the whole team playing FOR HIM. He will always get multiple set-ups each match, he's always in the line-up, and he can do what he want and take every free kick and penalty.

Any good player who gets that kinda support and trust from the team and manager, in that position, will do pretty well.

I feel Huntelaar is the much better striker.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4364d ago
freeduck4366d ago

Carroll's Last 7 games for Liverpool

3 assists
3 goals

I think he'll be a real hit next season, his technical ability is much better now than it was last season, and the team recently found out how to best utilize him. It will be interesting to see how Rodgers fits him in his system. I just hope he gets a real run of games unlike last season when he was on the bench a great portion of time.

Anderson84366d ago

he doesnt realy fit in with the way rodgers likes his teams to play but he has the ability to adjust.. his form is back but he'll have to have a good season with liverpool to silence most critics

freeduck4366d ago

Yeah a lot of fans saying that he doesn't really fit the passing style Rodgers offers but you never know what the manager does, I'm sure he has thought about this on his own.
Carroll has a point to prove next season and he can continue on his good form then he will silence the critics like you said