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Children in America banned from heading footballs in new concussion ruling

A landmark legal settlement in the United States means that all children under the age of 11 will no longer be able to head the ball playing football.

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KingPin3136d ago

you cant spell pussy without the US.

gangsta_red3136d ago

You ever watch kids under 11 play soccer/football?

They can hardly kick the ball where it needs to go let alone kick it high enough to even bounce it off their heads.

amiga-man3136d ago

America is a strange place, ban heading a ball to protect their children, but selling guns are fine.

Only in America.

goldwyncq3135d ago

You must be talking about kids under 5. I've seen many kids in the 8-11 range playing the sport like pros.

pompombrum3135d ago

^^^ Was thinking the same, I've seen 9 year olds playing alongside 14-16 year olds and holding their own.

gangsta_red3135d ago

That's great and all but that's not the majority of kids who have that talent.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3135d ago
64commando3136d ago

A new low for Europeans.

Stringerbell3136d ago

So much for youth development. Imagine if Miroslav Klose grew up in America, he'd be a mediocre player at best...

windblowsagain3136d ago

It's been proven it can damage development of the mind at a young age.

I grew up playing football until I was in my late twenties.

I'm not saying it did me any harm, headed the ball all the time and they were much harder back then,lol.

Today, they are softer, football boots are more like trainers, and the men fall over like pansies.

Much has changed, watch a game from the 70's 80's they were men.

hkgamer3135d ago

balls are softer now? really didnt know that. dont really have any kids so wouldnt know what they play with.

football boots, i guess they have developed a little more so that they dont have to be what they were back then. its more to do with technology.

also pros drop on floor all the time because:
1. protect themselves they earn way too much money
2. refs are blind

May sound like I am diesagreeing with you, but i do agree with what you are saying

BlackPhillip6663136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

When i was in primary school it was the Mitre football that we where playing with and for years after into secondary school.

Imo the better ball than whats on offer now, Hit that thing with the outside off the foot if you where good you could Gage the swerve same on the instep.

Come forward today we have footballs that are more akin to what i used to get fobbed off by when i went to the beach with my Gran :D spent more time trying to fish them damn things back than playing football.

Could tell a proper striker early back in the day by the kids that would attack the ball and not be afraid off it in the air. Now days they are playing with balloons -_-.

I blame Sepp Blatter :D

hkgamer3135d ago

Most kids don't know how to head a football properly. So I dont reallu care. just let their head/skull develop properly first? I dunno how long it takes, i dont know scine/biology.

Bit of a shame for the kids aiming to become professionals though.