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11x2 - April 'Mega Contest' Winners

Hey Guys,

And just like that, April came to an end, which means it's time to announce the Winners of the April's Mega Contest Winners, but before that i'd like to thank all the Contributors/Members of 11x2 for making April the Most lively Month 11x2 has seen in a while, So Thank You, Very,Very Much. :D

Contributor Contest Winners:

1st - 'Alxe' ($100 Amazon Gift Card)
2nd - 'Sonicwrecks' ($75 Amazon Gift Card)
3rd - 'Ratchet8' ($50 Amazon Gift Card)
4th - 'Kingpin' ($25 Amazon Gift Card)


Weekly Comments Lottery Winners.

Week#1 - 'clinical' ($100 Amazon Gift Card)
Week#2 - 'Kingpin' ($100 Amazon Gift Card)
Week#3 - 'cabbitwithscissors' ($100 Amazon Gift Card)
Week#4 - 'b163o1' ($100 Amazon Gift Card)


Predict The League Games Winner, Winners.

Week#1 - 'Sahil' ($50 Amazon Gift Card)
Week#2 - 'Sahil' ($50 Amazon Gift Card)
Week#3 - 'Kingpin' ($50 Amazon Gift Card)

Couldn't do a Week#4 contest for this due to the Month ending on a Sunday, I apologize for that, will prepare better from here on forward.

Congratulations To All The Winners. ***The Winners Will Be Contacted Soon Via Tickets By 11x2/Network Admin 'Christopher', Keep An Eye On It***

May's Contest details will be up soon, prizes are going to be just as good, so stick around & lets make May an even better month. :D

Terms and Conditions:
1. Competition is open to all 11x2 users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA.
2. In the event of unforeseen circumstances 11x2/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
3. Prizes are not transferable.
4. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.
5. All prizes are in USD, where prizes are awarded to winners outside the USD the exchange rate at the time of prize issue will affect prize amount.

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-Mezzo-2600d ago

Damn you Kingpin, you got a little of everything. :D

KingPin2600d ago

HAHA mezzo, it was all down to just plain luck....but i'll take it. :P

congrats to all the winners. heres looking forward to next month.

great work guys (contributors and commentators) and especially to Mezzo who put in a lot of hard work and effort to get this site going again as well as a lot of thought into the contests and making all this possible. keep it up bro.

-Mezzo-2599d ago

Thank you so much bro, i will try my best to be as present and helpful as possible.

Germany72596d ago

Hi Mezzo. I am Ratchet 8, i just changed my nickname now.

-Mezzo-2595d ago

Got it. Thanks for saving me from the confusion. 😀👍

Alxe2599d ago

Thanks and congrats to all others

sonicwrecks2599d ago (Edited 2599d ago )

Good work Mezzo, and well done to Kingpin on his full house.

To all winners: Be sure to keep an eye out on tickets since the notifications are still a bit on the fritz. If you see a ! when you log in but it doesn't show anything obvious it's probably your tickets - have fun finding out for which site tho. lol.

-Mezzo-2599d ago

That's experience talking right there. :D

Thank you.

coolbeans2598d ago

Congrats to all winners.