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Veteran Davids quits Palace

Former Holland international midfielder Edgar Davids has left Crystal Palace by mutual consent after making just seven appearances in a three-month stint, he announced Monday on his website.

The 37-year-old joined Palace on a pay-as-you-play deal in August but said in a statement: "I have decided that my journey as a player at Crystal Palace has come to an end. I want to thank all the people who supported me and gave me one of the greatest experiences of my life."

A Palace statement wished the former Ajax and Juventus star luck for his future plans.

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GJ235067d ago

Dont think he'll play again. Will probably be a pundit for the BBC now like in the world cup

kulka5067d ago

maybe he just played to remind people that he is still alive and get a job somewhere

foss35066d ago

made no sense.. he must have been high.

the sensible thing would have been for him to go to the middle-east or asia to finish his career.. probably nobody wanted him.

GJ235066d ago

It was a really bad career choice. Probably his agent made a lot of money from it or something