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Gerard Pique believes best is yet to come for him at Barcelona

Barcelona defender Gerard Pique has claimed that the desire to win more honours in the game means that he can achieve even more success for both club and country.

The Spanish World Cup winner has amassed an impressive array of medals despite being just 23 years of age, and speaking to Uefa's official website, he assured that the drive for continuing to create history is key for him playing even better into the future.

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MasterGuru4904d ago

Pique, best defender in the world at only 23. Yup, the future is very bright for you young man!

ad4mb4904d ago

best defender my ass!

MasterGuru4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

Oh, never mind. The best defender is Vidic, right? And the best centre back duo is Vidic-Ferdinand, right?

After all, both Vidic and Ferdinand have won World Cups together before.

Try spinning it. Not gonna work. Bring Lucio-Samuel or other center back pairings into this. Not gonna work.


Barca has never ever lost with both Pique and Puyol playing at centre backs in La Liga. Oh what's that? La Liga is a weak league, right? Yeah, La Liga is really weak.

ad4mb4904d ago

LMFAO did you just ask me if rio and vidic had won world cups TOGETHER? fail end of. and yeh vidic is better, so is lucio, so is rio, so is puyol.

karim4904d ago

Vidic IS the best defender at the moment
Pique ? Meh,I consider him as a striker.
As for La Liga it is Weak...Only the Barcelona-Madrid game is interesting and it's also one-sided