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Lazio president Claudio Lotito confirms interest in Galatasaray's Lorik Cana

Lazio president Claudio Lotito has confirmed the club are interested in Galatasaray midfielder Lorik Cana, paving the way for a potential summer switch to the Serie A club.

The Roman outfit attempted to sign the tough-tackling Albanian in January but saw their €4 million offer rejected by the Turkish giants, who only signed the midfielder last summer from Sunderland.

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Sahil4808d ago

Good player, just saw a couple of videos on youtube, good movement.

sokrates4808d ago

... Who posted those videos? His brother? In england he was not good at all.

Sahil4808d ago

I don't know who posted those videos, but he's kinda good, doing well with galatasaray, beating everyone!

GJ234806d ago

Complete flop. Sunderland expected more from him

Sahil4805d ago

Yeah, but I guess he would be great for Serie A, slower league and the kind of player he is.