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Real Madrid 0-2 Barcelona: the key clashes

Amid the simmering antipathy and brief moments of magic here's where the battles were won and lost at the Bernabéu.

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lukie1224783d ago

And he still scores 2 goals!

zootang4783d ago (Edited 4783d ago )

In tight games they rely on cheating to help them win. Their games are disrupted by endless disputes, fouls, outrageous play-acting and generally unmanly behaviour. To pretend otherwise is delusion. Is this why you love them?

Were it not for the flashes of utter brilliance from Leo Messi too many of their games melt your eyes in tedium. Yes, they can play sublime football - but more usually they don't. More often they fanny around a lot and wait for Messi to do something. He is astonishing, of course, but for f*cks sake...sitting there watching them pass it five times to go sideways by 10 foot is tedium which has somehow become transformed into the virtue of patience.

Football 365

I couldn't agree more, what do people see in them. If that is the best football side ever I feel ashamed for football.

lukie1224783d ago

@zootang well i don't think rooney would make 2 goals with 2 real madrid players on his heels...

zootang4782d ago

You once said Rooney has no talent. Why would I listen to you? You obviously just repeat what the pundits say. Those same pundits that said we wouldn't be where we always are, challenging for titles! You keep under estimating us and Rooney at your peril.

In Sir Alex I Trust, United We Stand!