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I’m proud we’ve not spent like City

The Sun- HARRY REDKNAPP has taunted Spurs' title rivals by claiming: We haven't bought our success like you.

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freeduck4525d ago

'Arry really is fit for the England job.

Anderson84524d ago

it should of been him or o'neil instead of fabio all them yrs ago

buddymagoo4523d ago

We should of pounced on Wenger when the fans were calling for him to leave.

no_more_heroes4524d ago

I'm at least happy for that, even if it does leave a very bitter taste in my mouth seeing them above us in the table.

I'll at least give them some credit for that.

kane_lfc4524d ago

Harry will be of to prison...

Well atleast City don't have to literally lock the door and throw away the key to keep there players...

buddymagoo4524d ago

They have the players to do well but when the pressure is on they tend to crumble.

NewMonday4524d ago

specially VS MU, both Harry as a manger and Spurs as a club cant get anything from them, best thing they can mange is a draw on a good day, still remember that 5-3 game in the Veron days.

Ninjamonkey824524d ago

Tell ya this though lad they have done us plenty a favour in plenty a game over the years :). Seen many a time we have needed a team to have points held are knocked back a few nouches and its when they go to Spurs thats where the damage is done.

Harry Rednapp is a world class manager imo. He has the quality to even manage at the helm in Old Trafford. He knows his players he cares about his team and he spends wisely.

Pressure tends to come when players haven't been in a sitituation to many times. This current crop of spurs players are starting to get used to this.

Harry has a team here and imo us lot at the top have to keep are eyes on them.

ProjectVulcan4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Spurs have spent a fair bit the past 5 years... http://www.transferleague.c...

Not nearly as much as City, Chelsea or Liverpool. But still a fair old whack. Don't be fooled, Spurs have had heavy financial backing.

It shouldn't take away from the good job Redknapp has done, after all Chelsea and Liverpool have spent a lot more and look a lot weaker.

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