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RVP snubs new Gunners deal

Arsenal captain Robin van Persie has announced he will not be extending his contract at Emirates Stadium.

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freeduck4357d ago

Huge blow for Arsenal, they will have to sell him this summer otherwise lose him for free.
Unfortunately City will jump at him like hyenas

buddymagoo4357d ago

According to BBC's Ian McGarry

"Van Persie will complete his move to #MCFC within two weeks. Fee of around £22m. Contract worth £225k per week already agreed."!/garb...

I bet Arsenal fans just love MCFC

Nightfallen4357d ago

Wow, just wow. Anywhere but Manchester City, Arsenal are truly a feeder club to them. Ugh, just what Arsenal need is another top player and captain like van Persie to leave. What is the Arsenal board doing?? Nobody knows..

Computersaysno4357d ago (Edited 4357d ago )

Arsenal have known for a while now. Which is why they have bought a couple of strikers already.

Was almost certainly going to go to City. Arsenal are a selling club lets face it. They sell to rivals constantly. Too much interested in running a business than winning silverware as a football club

But i question whether it actually makes City's starting 11 better. I think Tevez and Aguero are both as good as him. Sure it strengthens their squad but City could do with better backup elsewhere, like defence

imtiyaz64357d ago

This is too much! Now that RVP has also deserted us, it clearly means that something is actually wrong with the board. I think they are content with just making profits every year through Wenger's management and have stopped caring about winning anything. Arsenal is a big club they should at least be able to compete for trophies. I don't care if they don't win any as long as they give it their all! Something has to be done before we decline into a mid-table team!

hkgamer4356d ago


It's quite sad that the board members just think about making profits, but realistically if I was one of them I would think the same.

It's also sad that RVP decided to leave, he had a brilliant season with no injuries and practically got Arsenal ECL football, if Arsenal fans are not pissed now then maybe Wenger has managed to hypnotise every arsenal fan.

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Mozilla894357d ago

Yeah this is crazy but if he wants to go to Man City then oh well. It will be interesting to see how he fits in their team.

I'm not too worried as a Chelsea fan. But as a supporter of the Premier League, the more stronger teams there are, the better and this definitely makes Arsenal weaker.

Dowie4357d ago

Huge respect to your comment Mozilla

"I'm not too worried as a Chelsea fan. But as a supporter of the Premier League, the more stronger teams there are, the better"

^ I wish there were more fans like you around...

Mozilla894356d ago


Thanks mate!

GanjaMan4356d ago

naaa mate it aint a huge blow why do u think we got podolski and giroud? annd fuk rvp he will probably get injured again as usual (bar last season)

Straightupbeastly4357d ago

He's off to juventus to win the treble. Juve is stacked

silvacrest4356d ago

i thought arsenal would have bent over backwards to keep RVP...he is easily the only reason arsenal stayed 3rd last season

johnsonbat4356d ago

Instead they've bent over forwards and taken one again from MCFC.

crazyturkey4356d ago

Oh, not this sh!+ again..another Player leaving us for City.................Maybe next year the City owner, will buy the Arsenal Brand, stadium and everything else. Then All of us gunner fans can just Support Arsenal City, Mancenal or whatever the hell he decides to call that new team. Something tells me, the the Sheik wanted to buy Arsenal instead of Man City a few years ago, but he failed so he found a way around that.

mcstorm4356d ago

I hope he dose not go to Man City as they are just buying players for the sake of it now. If he goes to another EPL team he should go to United as he has more chance of starting games than at City but I think he will go to Spain rather than City as he comes across as a player that wants to play for the big teams that win things not the small teams that offer loads of Money to anyone they want.

theEx1Le4356d ago (Edited 4356d ago )

Man City are now the defending premier league champions. Any player would be willing to go to a team that are strong enough, especially to get a premier league winners medal which the best players would want.

mcstorm4356d ago

@theEx1Le I agree they are champions but they are still not a Big club and they have only won the FA cup and League once so far. Also Citys Squad is one of the best in the UK and if he wants to play football City is not the club for him as he is no better than what they have now.

KingPin4356d ago

your comment is hilarious crazyturkey. :)

zeddy4356d ago

psg i reckon, wont get a game for city with balotelli, tevez and aguero.