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Paraguayan linesman explains Messi photograph

During the half-time interval of Argentina's clash with Chile the South American official posed with the Albiceleste captain, sparking worldwide reaction

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karim4356d ago

What a cool ref! Love how he just claims that referees are fans too!

Nes_Daze4355d ago

People need something to complain about, no league games atm so the media is digging through anything they can find, and some idiots eat it all up....

ProjectVulcan4355d ago

What's the big deal. It is hardly like it'll massively affect his job or impartiality. The guy wants a picture of him at work with a player who will be remembered as an all time great, for sure. He'll show that photo and tell the story to his great grandkids in 25 years and they will love it. Good for him. Football should be inclusive and inspiring.

caseh4355d ago (Edited 4355d ago )

Did I miss the part where the ref gave Messi/Argentina a load of ridiculous refereeing decisions or is this exactly what it looks like? A f*cking photograph...

jak3y13oy4355d ago

All the people who are hating are just being immature or they're just jealous of him getting a photograph with the best player in the world :)