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Balotelli has three weeks to save Manchester City career as AC Milan prepare January bid

The controversial striker could be on his way back to Serie A with Massimiliano Allegri's side preparing a loan bid for the forward who is believed to be keen on a return to Italy

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karim4204d ago

3 weeks? Doubt it's true but hope he makes the most out of it

ProjectVulcan4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

Yup, he got 3 weeks making the most of it by getting as many parking tickets and setting off as many fireworks as possible in his house

theEx1Le4203d ago

Why would he? Everyone knows if AC Milan come in for him he will go.

KingPin4203d ago

three weeks?

with an attitude that stinks i'm shocked he has 3 days.
if i was the coach, id sell him or bench him. his completely useless. has no team spirit. arrogant as hell. talentless.

i've not seen one match where this guy proves his worth. seriously, and for mancini to say he could be as good as messi, i just dont see it. heck, tevez is a better player than this idiot.

goku323594203d ago

I agree with everything you said except for him being talent-less. He has talent, he's just wasting it it with his arrogance and stupidity.

Did Mancini really say Balotelli could be as good as Messi? If he did, that's exactly the kind of thing that only fuels Balotelli's arrogance...

KingPin4202d ago

well i guess he has some talent to a point but still, he is an average player at best. just over-rated.

as for mancini's quote, heres a google search coz i couldnt remember where i read it, but heres all the articles google pulled up

Dungus4203d ago

I'm not being facetious, I just don't know what this guy does. Has he been scoring goals and I've just been missing them? Is he a really strong team player who bullies defenses and pitches in with assists? I know what kind of car he drives, but I have no clue what he does for Man City. I mean, he must be a regular goal scorer if City are champions and Milan want him, right? :/

krazykombatant4202d ago

Ummm he just pouts half the time and his manage doesn't know how to handle him. City will be rid of him soon enough, imo his talent isn't worth the trouble.

shadowraiden4202d ago

he has talent just watching the italy vs germany game at euro's shows that but his attitude and arrogance make his talent not worth anything.

why would ac milan take the risk there already in trouble why risk buying somebody like balloteli who could just make that team implode with his arrogance.

tbh teams would be better off if they all just boycott him then we would see how far he could get with the arrogance in that nobody wants him.